Chapter Twelve

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     Sam slowly enters the book store.  It is a small little shop and spotting the girl is not difficult.  His plan to approach her is however.  This girl has already immersed herself in a book.  She does not even notice Sam walk into the store.  All of a sudden Sam gets a déjà vu feeling.  He feels like he has seen this very girl with her head buried in a book before.  But how could that be?  It is just not possible.
     What quickly becomes clear is that Sam is going to have to get this girls attention somehow if they are going to ever strike up a conversation.  Sam makes his way over to the shelf right next to the one the girl is standing by, buried in her book.  Sam is surprised to see it is not a baby book that she is reading.  By the looks of how intently this girl reads she has probably already read all the baby books ever published.
Sam is surprised to see this girl is reading Moby Dick, by Herman Melville. This girl doesn't mess around when it comes to literature. Another déjà vu moment. Sam silently tells himself to pull it together, and fast before Dean decides he needs saving and comes barreling in here. Dean would probably be telling him he had no play and should leave all matters female to his older brother.
But this wasn't like that, was it? Sam just had this feeling that this girl could tell him something that could help them. That was it. I mean, the girl was pregnant. Still, Sam couldn't deny the sudden pull he felt toward this girl. Now, how to get her attention without being obvious.
Sam moved his body along the shelf as if looking for something. Standing at 6'4" Sam was pretty hard to miss. Still, this girl read on without even giving him a glance.  Well, thought Sam to himself, I have been very quiet... maybe a slight noise would get her attention without being too obvious.  Sam demonstrates a fake cough that comes out way too loud and choppy. 
     Suddenly, hearing this horrific noise... something somewhere between that of a person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day and a cat that is in heat... the girl drops her book to the floor.  It slams with a loud thud.
      Both the girl and Sam jump slightly.  At the same time Sam says, "Oh, excuse me," the girl says, "sorry".  Both laugh nervously at this, and both of their cheeks become flush all at once.
     "Sorry," says Sam.
     "It is okay.  It happens right?  Human nature and all," the girl says in a nervous ramble.
      Both stand now awkwardly for what seems like an hour, but in reality is thirty seconds.  As the girl goes to say something Sam cannot quite hear, Sam reaches up to get a book.  At the same time as if in one fluid movement Sam goes to ask the girl what she just said, resulting in the book falling and sequentially hitting the girl in her head.  Falling to the ground the girl says in a whisper, "Dean."

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