Chapter Ten

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(Back to the guys)

          The girl... Nia... had gotten away.  "Nia."  Sam says, repeating the name for about the tenth time.
     "Yeah, well guess her initials aren't D.G."  Dean retorts.
     "But look, something's got to be up with that girl.  Why would she run like that when she saw us?"
     "I agree,"  states Cas.  "I wish I had access to my powers right now."
     "Relax Cas," says Dean.  "I don't think we will need it on these people.  I mean they all seem very... well very... nice."
     "Well we still seem to be at a disadvantage," says Cas.
     "Look, we found her once, and we will find her again."  States Sam.  "Nia.  I don't know why but I feel like I know that name from somewhere."
      Dean raises his eye brows in question, as he bites into the burger that has just been placed in front of him.  He pauses to look at the burger before replying to Sam.  "Well, I have never heard of that name and I know most of the people you do.  Unless it's from your college days."
     Sam stares at nothing in particular while contemplating this.  "I don't know man.  It just sounds so familiar.  I have no idea where from."
     "Well I do know one thing," Dean says.  "That burger is no where near as good as the last one at that diner.  I mean we have had fast food that is better.  Now I'm just disappointed."
     "Yeah Dean," Sam says.  "That's the most disappointing thing about today."
     Dean raises his shoulders and his hands palms up.  "I'm just saying, it's up there."
Sam shakes his head, but his mind is still thinking about the name Nia. It almost feels as if it is a family name, but that is impossible. It just doesn't make any sense. But then nothing has made sense since they dropped off a ledge and ended up in this town. "Maybe this town isn't even real." Sam says all of a sudden.
"Well it feels pretty real to me," says Dean.
"The image I got was pretty clear. The savior is here... wherever here might be," says Cas. "So, whatever this place is, we will find the answer here."
"But look, we are not going to find it by sitting in here." Sam states.
"Yes, you may be right about that." States Cas.
"Well this burger sucks anyway." Dean says this as he stands up. Dean throws money down on the table and this time he is the first one to head out the door. Where the guys are headed they are not sure. But they must keep going until they find this savior. As Dean steps out the door he finds himself face to face with the biggest, bluest eyes he has ever seen.

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