Chapter Nine

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(Nia's point of view)

My chest pounds as I try to catch my breath. Why did I run? If I came clean about all I know then everything could go back to normal. But then I would also have to go back, and my father would lose so much. Still, I cannot keep going like this. Sure if I was in a big city maybe it would be possible.  But here... in a town where everyone knows everyone and all their business? It is only a matter of time before they all find out the truth.  So why am I putting off the inevitable?
     I have stopped running now, as I stand in front of Lorelei and Rory's house.  My breath catches in my chest. I could march right up to their front door and confess everything right now. Before the guys catch up to me, which they no doubt will. The whole town is already a buzz with today's newcomers. Only I do not need gossip to know who they are. Though how exactly I know this is strange even to me.
Oh, who am I kidding, even if I did tell Lorelei and Rory the truth they would not believe me. If I stay here, the guys will surely find me all the more sooner. No, I need to bide my time. I needed to make sense of it all in my head first. I am just one girl after all. One girl who happens to hold a lot of people's future in her hands.
This town has been an easy one to study, especially when you do not have a home to go to and end up wandering the streets at night. I slip back into the shadows. I will be too exposed in the center of town. I need to go somewhere to think, to get it all straight in my head. Thank goodness I had already finished and paid for my meal when they had walked into Al's. I walk until I reach the old wooden bridge by the water. I take a seat and begin to sort out the mess which is my life.

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