Chapter Eleven

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     "Well hello there," smiles Dean.  Then Dean's eyes travel down, and then he spots the huge baby bump.  "Oh. Oh, hello there!"  Dean laughs nervously.  Of course the first woman he would hit on in this goody-goody town would be a pregnant one.
      "Hello," the girl says, as she smiles.  "Yeah, this little bundle has a mind of her own and she's not even born yet."  The girl smiles again and continues walking, leaving Dean just standing there.  Just then Cas and Sam emerge from Al's.  Dean does not even notice this, as he is still looking in the direction of the girl.
     "Hello Dean, did you hear me?"  Sam asks.
     At this Dean turns around.  "Huh?"
     "I said, why don't we take a walk by some of the private houses and see what we can find.  Maybe a name on a mailbox or something that could give us a lead."
     "Oh, yeah... yeah let's do that."  Dean says.
     "What were you looking at just then?"  Sam asks.
     "Oh nothing.  Just figures the first hot chick I would bump into in this town would have a bump of her own, if you know what I mean."  Dean smirks and shakes his head.
      "Wait," Sam's voice grows a little more loud.  "Do you mean as in pregnant?  This girl you were just standing there staring at as she walked off was pregnant?  Dean, I told you I thought that the pregnant woman we passed earlier might know something!"
     Dean goes to say something, but retracts looking sheepish.  "Well... you should have fessed up that she was hot when I asked you."
     "Not helping Dean.  Which way did she go?"  Sam asked.
     "That way."  Dean points.  Without further response or conversation Sam starts to walk in the direction which Dean pointed.  Sam finally spots the girl head into the book store.  But now that he has found her he is not sure what to even say.  Just then Dean and Cas catch up to Sam.  "Well?"  Dean asks.
     "She went into the book store."  Sam says.
      "Well, sounds just like your kind of girl.  Too bad she's probably taken already."  Dean says with one of his infamous smirks.
     "Nice Dean."  Sam tilts his head and looks at his brother.
     "Hey, why don't you just go in after her and bump into her and see what happens."  Dean suggests.
     Without responding Sam heads toward the book store.  Before stepping inside Sam turns around to Dean and Cas, "Stay here, I'll be back."

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