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Kisame moves his gaze from the bleeding man to the doorway as a woman steps into the main room. Itachi and Kisame both tense slightly as they recognize the woman making her way toward the man, her movements almost predatory in their fluidity. Hamako doesn't seem to notice their presence, her deep green eyes trained on the man backing away from her. Kisame smirks as he notices that she is wearing the shirt he had given to her back in the forest and has somehow come into possession of a pair of black boots. The shirt is at least four times her size, making her seem even thinner under the dress length fabric, but he knew it had to be a little warmer than her tattered shirt.

"Where are they?" She growls in a low voice, one slender hand latching onto the front of his shirt.

In a swift movement, she slams the trembling blond man against the wood paneled wall and places herself in front of him. Her expression is harsh and dangerous glare that Kisame recognized from the few missions they'd gone on together.

"I-I don't know!"

"You're lying!" Her voice rings out through the silent bar, startling the handful of drunks.

"I don't know anything I swear!"

Kisame watches with an excited grin as Hamako grabs the man by his throat and tosses him backward over her shoulder. The man crashes into one of the wooden tables, sending splinters into the air. The pale woman disappears from her spot in a flicker of movement and reappears above the man with her boot pressing down on the man's throat.

"Come on Jun, you know where they are. Just tell me and this will all be over." She croons softly as she stares down at her target.

"I'll never tell! Go to Hell!" He chokes out, attempting to spit on her but she leans away from the saliva.

Jun suddenly pulls a kunai and aims to plunge it into his chest but she moves her boot and crushes his hand to the floor.

"Nice try. You know I can't protect you if you don't tell me where they are. Trust me, I am a hundred times worse than they are."

Kisame arches a brow at the scene unfolding before them, wondering who exactly they're talking about.

"I-I'll never tell! I'm not afraid of you."

Hamako smirks before leaning down to grab onto his shirt and lifts him to his feet, then slams him back down. The movements are repeated five times, punctuated by her asking her question in between. Kisame looks toward the bartender, wondering why the old man hadn't said anything or kicked them out for her destroying his bar. The old man smiles softly at Hamako like she isn't currently stomping on her victim's rib cage as he coughs up blood.

"I can do this all day Jun, let's spare yourself the trouble. If you tell me where they are, I won't kill you." Her voice comes out in a sing-song tone but the dangerous edge is still there.

The scent of blood hits the air with a renewed strength, drawing his attention back to her.

"No! No, you son of a bitch!" She cries out, dropping to her knees. "Just tell me!"

Jun had successfully drawn another kunai and plunged it into his chest.

"G-Go to hell!"

"You son of a bitch!"

The dark haired woman violently begins to shake the man as the light drains from his eyes. She stops suddenly and drops the corpse with a loud thud before ripping the blade from his chest. With renewed vigor, she begins to stab him repeatedly while shouting profanities. Blood splatters around the room staining her porcelain skin and the rough hardwood floors as she works through her anger. Kisame debates on stopping her but she finally lets the kunai fall from her grasp and gets to her feet. She swipes the dangling sleeve of the shirt across her eyes to clear the blood away before turning to the bartender.

"Two bottles please."

As the man grabs the bottles, she latches onto the dead man's ankle and drags him back through the door they'd come in from. When she returns a few minutes later, she seems to finally notice the Akatsuki presence and nods in their direction. Hamako carries the bottles over to an empty booth and sinks into the cracking leather before propping her boots up on the worn tabletop, her head laying back across the top of the booth.

"Well, that was fucking useless." She mutters to herself before lifting a bottle to her lips.

"Hamako Mori?"

"That's my name," She chuckles. "unless you're here to kill me, in which case," she pauses to point a finger at a random man across the room. "That's Hamako Mori."

"I'm not here to kill you."

That statement makes her look over to meet Kisame's gaze, her fingers picking at the bottle's label.

"Then what do you want from me? Oh, wait... I know you. Have you come to reclaim your shirt?"

"No, you keep it." He quickly cuts in as she starts to wiggle out of the shirt. He takes a seat across from her, placing the Samehada beside him. "Your skills haven't dulled over the years."

She straightens at his comment, her eyes narrowing as she studies him. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, nothing. I have an offer for you. Why don't you join the Akatsuki? You wouldn't be living in the woods anymore."

"No thank you."

Kisame sighs as Hamako gets to her feet and leaves the bar before he can try to convince her to join anyway. He stands and turns to his partner but the booth is empty. He drops a bit of money on the counter before stepping back out into the sunlight. Itachi is outside talking to Hamako who is only a few feet away. As his eyes pass between the pair, he can feel the annoyance rolling off of her.

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now