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 Kisame sighs as he carries a thrashing Hamako into the base. He didn't want to hurt her and force her to stay but he couldn't let her just go off and get herself killed. He knew that as soon as she left she'd go back to the Mist to try to get her revenge. He'd rather deal with her angry at him than dead, and he had no idea why.

"I'm going to rip your genitals off and force feed them to you, whole!" She growls.

"I know, I know. You'll thank me later though." He sighs. "If I would have let you go, you would be off getting murdered by the Mizukage's guards right now."

"Good for me then! Let me die! Fuck the world, that piece of shit needs to suffer a pain worse than death!"

"You wouldn't even be able to touch him before you died."

"Then I'd die trying! Now, let me down so I can get the Hell out of here."

"I'll let you go when we reach our Leader's office so you can tell him that you're a willing recruit."

"Like Hell I am!" She shouts as she kicks at him from her perch over his shoulder.

He had bound her hands and feet and she started out with a strip of fabric covering her mouth but she quickly got it free.

"Please, Hamako. It's either this or the Leader ends up killing you for being in here."

"I'll take my chances."

Kisame finally frees Hamako once they're in the relative safety of his bedroom. He frees her feet first, earning a rough kick to the face in response. He sighs and moves to her hands but once she's fully released she rushes toward the door. He jumps between her and the door, barring her exit attempt. She glares up at him, ordering him to move aside. He crosses his arms and leans against it with a confident smirk.

"Let's make a deal, shall we?"

"Sure. Here's the deal: You move aside and let me out of this godforsaken base and I don't kill you. Sound good?"

"Not quite. How about I get you a few bottles of sake and you calm down and stop trying to run?"

"I want out of here, Kisame."

"Look, I'm sorry but I didn't want you to die and this is the only thing I could think of."

"Then you're not very smart, are you?"

He stares down at the fuming woman, her eyes fixated on his. Her expression suddenly turns into a look of mild confusion, then to a coy smirk.

"So Kisame, why are you so concerned about me living? You seem to always be around as well. Is there some hidden meaning behind you abducting me?"

His eyes widen but he shakes his head. "Mere coincidences."

"Mmhm, I'm so sure." She purrs, pressing herself against his chest. "If you wanted me so badly, all you had to do was say so."

She smirks as he tenses at her touch but he makes no move to push her back. She moves up to her tiptoes and leans close to his ear, her breath sending chills down his spine.


"Come on, you know you want to." Her voice comes out a whisper as she trails a soft line of kisses down his throat. "I can feel your hands trembling. You're dying to touch me, aren't you?"

He can feel his control faltering as Hamako continues to bite and suck on his neck while her hands drift under his shirt.

"You're not getting out of here like that, Hamako." He manages to bite out, pulling her away slightly.

"Can't blame a girl for trying, eh? You can't deny that you enjoyed it either." She snickers, her eyes drifting just below his waist line.

An hour passes of Kisame watching Hamako pace his room or trying random plans to escape. She'd tried most everything from asking nicely, to attacking him, to even trying more sexual advances. He didn't budge though. The dark haired woman huffs before falling backward onto his bed.

"You are infuriating."

He doesn't answer her, so she maneuvers around to face him from his spot on the floor leaning against the door.

"Why do you care so much? All jokes aside, there's something going on in that head of yours. I'm just some woman that you worked with a time or two before she went off her rocker and disappeared. Now I'm just a woman on a suicide mission that you interrupted so rudely."

Her question is met with silence.

"I don't know." He answers finally.

"Then why don't you let me go?" She asks softly. "The goal I'd carried with me for years, my reason for fighting so hard to survive, is right at my fingertips. If I die while accomplishing my goal, then I'd die happily. I don't care what happens to me, I just want to do that much. I have no other reason to live and if you don't even know why you're interfering, why not respect my wishes and let me go?"

"Will you tell me?" He looks up into her deep green eyes.

"Tell you what?"

"Everything. What happened back in the Mist? Why are you so intent on killing the Mizukage? Why were you randomly stalking and murdering people?"

"What's in it for me?" As she sits up, her stomach growls.

"Food and alcohol, but you have to stop trying to run. If you try anything, anyone in this base would very likely attack you or much worse."

"I'll call a truce, at least for now. I haven't eaten in a while."

Hamako unfolds herself from the bed and stands in front of Kisame, holding one hand out and the other holding the hem of her shirt dress. He takes her hand and stares at the other curiously.

"Your vantage point could be very inappropriate." She explains.

"Says the woman who tried to sleep her way out of my room three times." He snickers as he gets to his feet.

"Who said I was trying to sleep? There are many ways to have fun, Kisame darling."

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now