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Blood fills the air of the Pack's base as Kisame rips his sword through anyone that approaches. He spent the past four days searching the tunnels for Hamako but he only found groups of Pack members. No one would give up her location though. This is the last tunnel section, so if Hamako is there at all, he'd find her tonight. Kisame stops short as he hears a voice up ahead, singing a cheerful tune about revenge. The voice's owner rounds the corner and Kisame immediately latches onto their throat and lifts them into the air. His eyes narrow and his hand tightens as the Hare mask greets him.

"Ah, just who I've been looking for." He smirks, exposing his sharp teeth. "Where. Is. She?"

"Who?" The man croaks out.

"Where is Hamako?" His grip grows tighter still as the man starts to kick in desperation. Kisame's eyes move to his feet and realizes something. "You're that Mouse brat. Where is the one you call Rabbit?"

"You'll never find her Swordsman." Mouse chokes out with a smirk. "If you kill me you'll never know."

Kisame drops him before grabbing a handful of his dark purple hair.

"Congratulations, you get to live for a few more minutes. Now, take me to her."

Kisame drags Mouse through the halls, occasionally slamming him into the walls along the way. Mouse starts to laugh, halting the Akatsuki member's latest assault. He jerks him up and asks what the hell he's laughing at. His answer is incoherent mutterings about coffins, revenge, death, Rabbit, and Amyra. Kisame growls in frustration and shakes the man violently demanding he tell where Hamako is.

"You'll never find her! She's going to die in the coffin all alone! It's even more perfect than what I had planned!" He cackles, his laughter echoing off the walls.

The laughter stops suddenly punctuated by a loud crack. Mouse's body hits the floor with a loud thud and Kisame swiftly kicks him before continuing on. He'd find her himself. Each room has turned up empty so far but he keeps going, trying to ignore Mouse's final words circling in his head. He has to find her. He will find her. He notices streaks of blood staining the floor in the hall and follows it back to a room.

The room is empty but every inch of it is covered in blood from floor to ceiling. None of it seems incredibly recent, maybe a day or so at most. Chains adorn one wall along with dozens of bloodstained kunai. Whips, ropes, chains, swords, kunai, almost everything imaginable to torture someone exists in this room. Kisame takes a deep calming breath, trying to push the thought of Hamako in the room from his mind. There's a chance that she wasn't, that she's simply being held in a room somewhere, but his fear is confirmed when he notices a black boot in the corner of the room covered in blood. He leaves the room and follows the blood trail the other way but it ends at a very small door. Too small to be another room, most likely a storage area. He sighs and punches the door in frustration before turning back toward the rows of doors lining the rest of the hall. He arches a brow at a rattling sound in response to his punch. Another softer hit draws the same noise so he pulls on the door out of curiosity but it's locked. Kisame backtracks to Mouse's body and finds a small silver key hanging from his neck so he rips it off and goes back to the door. His eyes widen as he opens it and a set of chains slide out, attached to the door.

"What the Hell...?" He mumbles as the chains start to move on their own.

Behind the door is a very small but deep hole but it's too dark to see anything. He tentatively pulls on the chains, earning a frantic jerking motion in response. A fist appears out of the darkness and splits his lip, taking him by surprise. He spots the shackles around the person's bloody wrists and curses. He knew the Pack was shady to begin with but he never pictured they'd trap someone in a torture chamber like that.

"I'm going to get you out of there." He says softly and takes the hand and quickly finds the other in the darkness before pulling.

His eyes fall on a matted mess of long ebony hair followed by bloodshot forest green eyes.

"Holy shit..."

After pulling Hamako the rest of the way out of the coffin room trying not to hurt her, he quickly frees her from the cuffs using the same key he'd lifted from Mouse and pulls her into his arms. Her whole body is trembling violently against him and he finds himself absently running his hand through her hair and rocking her while he whispers soothing words. Her body tenses suddenly and she shoves herself away from him, a stolen kunai from his pouch in her hands.

"Get away from me." She growls.

Her eyes are wide and frantic as she holds the kunai out in front of her.

"Hamako, it's okay, it's me." He says gently, raising his hands slightly as a sign of peace. "I'm going to get you out of here."

"Don't touch me!" She snaps as he slowly reaches toward her.

She scrambles backward until her back hits the wall just below the door. His heart breaks at the sight of the woman he loves, terrified out of her mind, covered in blood and injuries. The slightly glazed look in her eyes makes him wonder if she's really seeing him or if her mind is back in time. Regardless, he has to find a way to get her out of the base and somewhere safe. With a sigh, he quickly slaps her hand so the kunai leaves her grip, then picks her up despite her thrashing protests. He gently holds her legs down as her fists hit his back while they walk.

"You hate me now but you'll thank me later, Hamako. I've got you and you're safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore."

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now