The Pack

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 Kisame stares across the small fire at Hamako as her fingers pick at the blades of grass beneath her, muttering about the lack of alcohol. They'd survived the attack by a single assassin with the mask of a cat and hadn't been bothered since. She looks up at him suddenly, her forest green eyes lit by the flames, and tells him that he can sleep if he wants. He shakes his head, reminding her that every time he looked away she was gone. She shrugs and drops her gaze back to the grass as she weaves them into a chain.

"Everything I do has a reason." She says, breaking the silence without looking up.

"You've mentioned that before but you never give the reasons."

"You don't give reasons either. There's still a question I've asked without gaining an answer."

"Now is not the time to give the answer." He sighs.

"You had plenty of time to answer in your room, yet you chose not to."

He shoots her a look but stays silent before asking another question. "Is there something you wanted to tell me?"

"I wasn't trying to escape your room."

He straightens and stares at her in surprise. "You what?"

"I didn't stutter, Kisame. Leaving was the last thing on my mind."

His breath hitches as her eyes meet his, her usual glare or indifference replaced by desire.

"You're interesting, Kisame Hoshigaki." She purrs. "Not many things hold my interest these days, but you linger in my thoughts. Why is that?"

Kisame tries to say something, anything, but all he can do is stare as Hamako says almost exactly what he'd been feeling toward her. What he'd wanted to tell her before. Hamako gets to her feet suddenly and walks over to him, extending a hand down to him. He arches a brow in question.

"Just take my hand. I have an idea."

Kisame and Hamako leave the abandoned cottage just before sunrise and continue on their way to kill the Mizukage. Kisame follows behind her, watching her every movement as if he would blink and it would all be a dream. They'd spent the night together in the cottage exploring each other and the feelings they didn't know how to admit out loud. Kisame's eyes move up to the treeline ahead of them and rushes to put himself between her and the incoming attackers.

"Seriously starting to get annoyed." She huffs as she moves past him to intercept a kunai aimed at him.

She uses it to block another attack and as she exchanges blows with the Mouse, she quickly realizes that the attacks aren't meant for her. They're targeting him now so he would be out of the way.

"So there's been a change of plans it seems." She calls out, catching the blade aimed at his back. "They're after you now."

"Bring it on." He chuckles.

The group's numbers dwindle until there's only one left, the Mouse. As he dodges Kisame's sword Hamako sticks out her foot to trip him, then stomps on his ankle earning a loud crack in response. She smirks as he cries out in pain and tries to wiggle away from her. She follows close behind, stomping on the ankle every few seconds, chuckling darkly each time.

"Poor little Mouse, trying to run away. I'd say it's a Cat and Mouse game, but he's dead. The innocent little Rabbit is taking her revenge. I sent the Wolf back to the Pack to warn him not to fuck with me. No one listens to me though, do they? You and your little friends are getting in my way. So, you get to snitch on the Pack. What do they want from me?"

"You left Hare in the middle of the night. He put out an order to the Pack. If he couldn't have his bride no one could. Whoever brings you in alive gets rewarded handsomely, dead still gets rewarded but not as well." He explains as she pins his ribs beneath her boot.

"I'll give you a reward. Your reward is choice. You can die quickly or die slowly. Choose now."

"Don't kill me Rabbit. Please! I had to do this. He has leverage against me! He has Amyra."

"What a shame. You knew what the Pack was capable of when you got involved. Now, I've decided to be nicer to you. You can't say I've never done something nice. Your death will be random on what happens, but I'll give you a head start. Ten seconds." She picks up her boot and he stares at her in shock. "Nine. Eight. Seven."

He scrambles to his feet and hobbles through the forest away from them.

"Five. Four... That'll buy some time. Alright, let's go."

"So you're married?" Kisame asks as she turns to face him.

"I don't want to talk about it." She sighs. "I'm just ready to get out of here before the next wave comes through."

"I want to talk about it though. You have had these groups of people after you since we left and won't tell me about it. This one says that you're married to someone in that mess. Am I preventing you from going back to your husband?"

"You are infuriating sometimes..." She grumbles as she brushes past him but he catches her arm.

"Tell me."

"It's a long story. Can I tell it on the way, please?" She looks up at him with pleading eyes, taking him by surprise.

"Y-Yeah. You've never said please before."

"Don't read too much into it." She huffs.

As they walk, Kisame listens to Hamako explain her connection to the men attacking her. A few months ago during a time Kisame hadn't seen her, Hamako had stumbled across a man in a bar while searching for information. She never learned his true name but he called himself Hare. He was the leader of a group of rogues called the Pack. All members wore animal masks to hide their identities and were called by the animal name. He promised to help her find the information she needed since he had numbers at his disposal, if she helped him for a while. She became an unofficial member of the Pack, earning a white rabbit mask along with her title. After a while she began to notice that no information was coming in so she tried to leave. He ambushed her and held her captive in his room for a while until she escaped, claiming that she was to be his bride. The rest was told by Mouse.

"So you're not married?"

"Do I look like the marriage type? Really?" She drawls, glancing up at him.

"No, not quite. Why is he so obsessed with you?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. Well, yours might be better considering you stalked me for several months. Hare is very persistent, so I imagine that sometime soon, we will encounter him in person. He's a force to be reckoned with so be prepared. We could never beat one another no matter how hard we tried."

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now