Normal Is Boring

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Kisame travels silently alongside Itachi as they make their way to Suna for their latest mission. They'd left Yukigakure a week prior but were intercepted before they could make it back to base. Despite getting to see Hamako for the two nights they'd spent in the cottage, his thoughts kept drifting back to her. As far as he knew, her main goal was accomplished and she was free from people actively trying to kill her but he feared for her safety since he's not there to protect her. He'd woken up just before dawn the third morning to find the bed empty and both shirts gone, a note stabbed into the door with another date, time, and cottage location. That encounter is still three weeks away and it'd been a month already.

"So how is she?" Itachi asks dryly, noting his partner's expression.

"I don't know what you're talking about. How should I know?" He huffs.

"There's no trying to hide it. You're in love with her so you obviously know something. Though she did escape the base, there's no way you hadn't kept contact with her."

"No, not at all." Kisame insists, not wanting to give an identity to something they hadn't even discussed.

"You disappeared a few weeks ago for three days and came back covered in marks without a shirt. You either got poorly mugged or you came across Hamako." Itachi smirks.

Kisame sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "She disappeared the third morning. I didn't expect her to stay as long as she did. I'm not sure where she went or how she's doing."

"I hope you realize she's nothing but trouble. You may end up dead either because of her or killed by her. She's not very stable."

"She was tortured and traumatized. She was obsessed with getting her closure by any means. Now she has it. She seemed almost like a different person when I last saw her."

Kisame and Itachi take a few steps away from each other to dodge a body flying at them through the trees. Kisame smirks while Itachi just sighs, anticipating what would lie ahead. It seemed like a very Hamako type situation. Their assumption is proved wrong as they step into the edge of a clearing and find three corpses on the ground, a man standing in the center. The man looks up at them, his face hidden behind a mask... a black rabbit. Kisame's hand automatically moves to the hilt of the Samehada as he steps forward, glaring darkly at the man. The man tilts his head to the side curiously, then lazily lifts his sword.

"Hello Swordsman."

"Hare is dead, so who are you?" He asks, unwilling to back down.

"I don't want to kill you, Swordsman. You've done me a favor by getting him out of the way."

"I don't care what you want, just leave her out of it." He snaps, knowing he must have been one of the Pack survivors.

"Oh dear if only you'd requested that sooner. Seems you're a bit late."

"Where is she?"

"She's a little... tied up at the moment." The masked man chuckles before waving and disappears into the trees in a flicker of movement.

"Well, it's not quite what I expected, but it's still tied to Hamako so it counts." Itachi sighs. "So, what did I miss?"

Kisame tears through the trees in the direction the new Hare had gone, leaving Itachi to complete their mission. He'd briefly explained who the Pack was and Hamako's involvement before Itachi told him to go after her. He knew that Kisame would've done so anyway and resigned to the fact that his partner had fallen in love with a crazy woman whether he'd admit it or not. Kisame curses as two men drop from the trees in front of him, halting his progress enough for him to lose sight of the dark haired man. He draws his sword and lunges at them, trying to get through them as quickly as possible. He almost lost Hamako several times already, he won't let it happen again. Kisame cuts one man down and goes to swing on the other, but a high, shrill whistle echoes through the trees and the man leaps back into the canopy a second later. He shakes off the confusion and continues on in hopes of being able to track at least one of them back to Hamako.

"Why can't I be in love with a normal girl...?" Kisame sighs before answering himself. "Because normal is boring."

Kisame tucks himself against the trunk of a tree as rustling noises sound overhead followed by hushed laughter.

"I heard Rabbit is back home." One says.

"Rumor is she didn't come in without a fight."

"How the Hell was Mouse able to get her yet Hare couldn't?"

"He's a crafty little freak, that's for sure. But why does he want her when she was Hare's girl?"

"Jealousy, probably. That's why he took Hare's mask. He wanted to be the leader of the Pack. Now that there's only a few originals left, he didn't have many to fight us on it."

The Pack members start to move again, heading in the direction he had been traveling so he moves along behind them, tracking the movements to their base. Hamako is definitely there and once he finds her, he will destroy every last member. No one is getting out alive this time. Kisame stops just short of the tree line as the two members drop down from the trees and disappear over the edge of a cliff. He waits a moment longer before slowly making his way to the cliff edge. It leads into a small valley, surrounded on all sides by a ring of trees and the cliff line. His eyes widen as he realizes that there's a few large holes dug into the cliff faces and the ground itself. The Pack's base is completely underground. That makes it even harder. 

A/N: So, this chapter was completely off the top of my head xD sorry if it sucks. I'd lost where I wanted to go with the book, so now we're in no-man's land. 

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