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Kisame sighs as Hamako gets to her feet and leaves the bar before he can try to convince her to join anyway. He stands and turns to his partner but the booth is empty. He drops a bit of money on the counter before stepping back out into the sunlight. Itachi is outside talking to Hamako who is only a few feet away. As his eyes pass between the pair, he can feel the annoyance rolling off of her.

"Fine. I'll play your little game but don't be mad when I knock your ass into the dirt." She huffs.

Kisame moves to ask Itachi what's going on but before he can move, Hamako launches herself at Itachi. The pair fall into a violent pattern of blows and counters, leaving the blue skinned man to watch curiously. Itachi had never been one to involve himself in physical altercations on their missions, leaving most of the fighting to Kisame if he could help his. His Sharingan abilities alone were enough to stop most of their targets without issue, so why didn't he use it on Hamako? Kisame's eyes widen as Hamako ducks Itachi's attack and manages to land a kick to his chest, knocking him backward several feet. She follows him, aiming to pin Itachi against the nearby building. Kisame turns his attention to Itachi, noticing the Sharingan flash dangerously. Itachi grabs onto the collar of Hamako's shirt and holds her in front of him in an attempt to get her eyes to meet his. She laughs, surprising both men, and looks directly into Itachi's eyes.

"It won't work, Uchiha. Good try though. Besides, I've been through much worse than what you could ever deal me."

Itachi flips them around, trapping her against the stone wall with a kunai held to her throat.

"I win."

"Not quite."

Hamako smirks and quickly knocks his hand away, shoves him backward, then sweeps his feet. As Itachi hits the ground, she straddles him and holds the kunai centimeters above his right eye.

"I win. Now leave me alone. I said no."

With a sigh Hamako stabs the kunai into the ground and gets to her feet. Kisame notices a small line of blood trailing down her throat, mingling with the dried smears covering her skin already, as she walks toward him.

"So, whoever you are, I'm guessing you sent your lap dog to try to force your offer on me once I left?"

"I have no control over what my partner does." Kisame shrugss in response before reaching out to wipe away the blood.

"That still doesn't tell me who you are."

"Kisame Hoshigaki."

A flicker of recognition shows in her eyes, causing him to smirk.

"Ah, so you know me. I'm honored."

"We worked together back in the village. You're one of the swordsmen as well. Hm, interesting... Well, I have things to do, people to see. I'll see you around, Kisame." She lightly pats his chest and casts a wink up at him before heading back toward the village.

"She's unusual." Itachi mutters as he moves to stand beside his partner again.


After meeting with their informant, Kisame and Itachi travel back through the sleeping village to return to the base. Kisame secretly hoped that they would come across Hamako again on the way through or outside of the village but there was no sign of the woman anywhere. Kisame smirks as he glances over at his stoic partner before beginning to taunt him about losing to a girl. Itachi doesn't respond but his clenched jaw reveals his annoyance.

"Did you know she was able to block the Sharingan?" Itachi asks finally.

"Not at all. I was surprised but not fully. Even before I worked with her, I knew of her. She and her team carried a reputation for being the best in the village. No one messed with them if they could help it. There wasn't much about them that the public knew about though. So, why did you go after her?"

"She has potential. I was curious if we could recruit her the way we had done for Deidara. You seem particularly interested in her."

"Simple curiosity. Not very often I stumble across my past on the other side of things."

A/N: I'm sorry this part is so short, but it seemed like a good place to stop and sleep deprivation has not been my friend lately T.T (seriously tried to cook dinner earlier and went to put the food into the oven to bake and grabbed a plate instead of the baking sheet and almost threw it into the oven instead.) Author needs sleep. 

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now