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It feels like it's been years since Mouse locked Hamako away in the coffin room but she knew it couldn't have been that long. Her mind won't stop racing though, replaying every moment she'd spent locked away in there. Shen would leave her here whenever she fought against him or tried to escape. It wasn't really even a room, just a squared hole in the wall about three feet tall and four wide, giving her just enough space to wiggle around but unable to sit up or properly move. He always had to knock her out before putting her inside and Mouse had to do the same. Hamako tries in vain to calm her racing heart and thoughts, but all she can do is feel the walls closing in around her. Tears fill her eyes and trail down her cheeks, burning the cuts Mouse left on her. She jerks on the chains on her wrists connected to the door, praying that it would make enough noise that someone, anyone would let her out. She would even be thankful to Mouse at this point even if he just showed up to strike her down.

Where was Kisame? Why couldn't he save her like he'd done before? She promised him they would meet at the cottage in a few weeks and she was afraid she'd let him down. Somewhere along the way, seeing Kisame became something for her to look forward to besides getting her revenge. He started out as just some stranger that helped her in the forest and tried to convince her to come along with him. Then they just kept stumbling across each other  in passing. She found him incredibly handsome and someone to chat with without having to murder them after, though she'd thought about it. She didn't trust Kisame but found herself drawn back to him every time she looked into his eyes. When he kissed her in the base the first time, it shocked and scared her. Not the kiss itself, but how she felt when he did it. All the voices stopped, all of the panic telling her to run, run and never stop, all of it grew quiet in just that moment. It was as if his presence alone calmed all of her demons at once. Even sleeping beside him took away the nightmares that plagued her. Leaving the base after waking up from the fire without saying goodbye was the hardest thing she ever had to do but she knew she couldn't stay. Kisame being around her could only bring him trouble and pain. She'd hurt him enough by dragging him along on her obsessive revenge mission. She planned on saying goodbye at the cottage but as soon as she laid eyes on him, she couldn't do it. She finally realized she loved him...

The door opens suddenly, jarring her shoulders painfully as the door pulls her chains. Two sets of hands grab her shoulders and pull her to the floor. As her eyes adjust to the sudden light, she can make out the shape of the masks, a cat and a wolf. She knew that Wolf was left alive but Cat was definitely dead. They're regaining numbers quickly. They jerk her to her feet by her arms and start to drag her back toward Mouse's playroom. According to their taunts and chatter, she'd only been in the coffin for a day. She glares up at them, wishing she could simply kill them but she can't shake the fear from the coffin. Hamako is roughly tossed to the floor at Mouse's feet before they leave them alone. A sandal swiftly kicks her ribs, his laughter filling the room as she gasps in pain. She shakily tries to sit up, but kick after kick sends her body skittering across the floor.

"Come on Rabbit you're not even trying to play with me. That's no fun."

She cuts him a glare from her hands and knees.

"You're going to die anyway, but I want you to plead for your life. Beg me for mercy!"

He crosses the room and removes the gag from her mouth.

"Come on Rabbit, let me hear you beg."

"Go to Hell." She growls.

"Oh no, that's not what I was hoping to hear. You're being a naughty bunny." Mouse crouches down in front of her and roughly grabs her chin. "Beg me or you'll go back in that godforsaken hole!"

She smirks up at him through her dark fringe despite his grip on her face. "No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it."

"And what exactly does that mean?"

"It means kiss my ass."

Mouse walks down the hall dragging Hamako by her hair a few hours later, having had his dose of fun for the day. His shoes leave fading bloody footprints while Hamako herself leaves a trail of blood from her back. His voice fills the corridor with a cheerful song about her going back to the coffin room to rest. Four days in the coffin, then it's show time. As much as he'd like to toy with her forever he has things to do as the Pack leader. She wiped out their numbers so it's time to rebuild. They'll be bigger and stronger than they ever were under Hare's rule. 

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now