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Things have gone wrong, very very wrong. Hamako infiltrated the Mizukage's tower successfully while Kisame kept the perimeter clear. Given the time of night, people were less likely to be around in the tower, but the light was still on in the Mizukage's office. In and out was her quiet chant before she scaled the dark side of the building and slipped in through the window. As soon as her feet touched the floor though, dozens of ANBU officers ambushed her, taking her down immediately. Currently, she is struggling against their hold, on her knees facing the arrogant expression on the Mizukage's face.

"Hamako Mori, it's been a while. I was wondering when you were going to come back. I heard of your first attack not too long ago so I figured it was only a matter of time."

"Rot in Hell! I'm going to make you suffer you piece of shit!" She shouts, thrashing against their grip. "You deserve to suffer like you'd done to me!"

"I didn't do anything to you." He smirks. "You went on a mission and suffered a mental break, leading to you murdering your teammates. Then you came back and started to attack the poor innocent ANBU officers."

"You liar! You set me up! You wanted my team dead because of what we had learned so you organized the mission to kill us all but you failed! When I came back you pinned it on me as an excuse to kill me without public outcry!"

The Mizukage's eyes scan the room before dismissing his forces. "Leave us. I have no concern involving her."

They reluctantly leave them alone in the room and as soon as the door shuts, she gets to her feet and launches herself at him. He dodges her attack with ease, chuckling harshly as she continues to try to attack him.

"You really are a smart woman, Hamako. How did you figure it out?"

"I spent years tracking every lead I could come across, connecting all of the little dots until they led me back to Shen. Do you remember Shen? We had a lovely six months of torture together but I returned the favor. He of course led me to you."

"Well this just gives me an opportunity to take care of you once and for all." He smirks as he rises from his chair.

Kisame curses as he tries to combat the onslaught of ANBU officers heading toward him. They'd all come from inside the building, leaving him to wonder if Hamako is still alive in there. If only he could get rid of the annoying ninja, he'd be able to find out for sure. An explosion rocks the building, fire roaring out of the windows a moment later.


With renewed vigor, Kisame tightens his grip on the Samehada and sweeps it through the line of ninja. Some had fallen back to protect the Mizukage again, leaving him with only another handful to deal with.

Kisame kicks open the door to the office a short while later, choking on the fumes from the fire. He'd cut down every ninja that he encountered but there has been no sign of Hamako or the Mizukage. The office is fully engulfed in flames, the smoke thick making him unable to see.


He curses and drops to the floor, searching the room for his lover.

"Hamako I swear if you're dead, when I find you I'm going to kill you!" He grumbles before another series of coughs cuts him off.

His eyes fall on a shape huddled up on the floor, a chain wrapped around their arm connected to a beam in the ceiling. He hurries over and tries to free her from the chain. A curse leaves his lips as a loud crack sounds from above and the ceiling begins to cave above them. He pulls her aside as far as they can manage and shields her body with his own as it rains down over them.

"We're not going out like this..." He whispers as he returns to prying the cuff binding her to the beam. "I'm going to get us out of here. I love you far too much to let you die..."

His strength is failing along with his vision and ability to breathe. The fire is almost on top of them now as well, the heat making his hands slick.

"Damnit! I shouldn't have let you do this. I'll get you out if it's the last thing I do."

The cuff comes loose and Kisame cradles her to his chest before diving out of the window as another explosion bathes the world in the fiery glow.

Kisame coughs and slowly opens his eyes, fighting the desire to succumb to the darkness again. Hamako is still in his arms and the tower is still on fire. He has to get her out of the village no matter the cost. Her body is taken from him and he sits up, fighting through the haze to get her back. His eyes land on a set of deep crimson as the tower crumbles behind him.

"Itachi?" He croaks out.

"I told you nothing good could come of knowing her." Itachi sighs. "Can you walk?"

Kisame nods and shakily gets to his feet. "How did you know we-"

"Pein sent me on a mission here. I came across a trail of corpses, then arrive in the village in time to watch the building explode. It wasn't too hard to piece together. Wherever Hamako goes, trouble follows." He explains as they head through the village. 

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now