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Months pass without Kisame or Itachi running across Hamako. The swordsman still regretted the question he'd asked that sent her running off into the night. There was nothing he could do to make up for it of course since he had no idea where to even look for her. Their missions came less frequently until Itachi and Kisame had an entire month to relax at the base, driving Kisame crazy. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get her out of his head and the absence of work made it harder to distract himself.

Itachi and Kisame look up from their spots on the worn couch in the main room as Hidan and Kakuzu come in from their recent mission. Hidan had a habit of complaining about missions anyway but their interests are piqued as his complaints are about a woman. As a very intense Jashin worshipper and sex addict he rarely ever complained about a woman. If they didn't comply with what he wanted, he'd just kill them. As the silver haired man and his partner settle on the other couch, Kisame asks what happened.

"There are crazy bitches everywhere I guess!" Hidan grumbles. "First there's your girl you keep going on about and now we go to claim a bounty and this bitch had already killed him!"

"She did let us claim the bounty though. She said she'd already gotten what she needed. You're just mad that she wouldn't sleep with you." Kakuzu cuts in with a harsh chuckle.

"Who the hell wouldn't want to sleep with this!? I would've given her the best fucking of her life!"

"You never take no for an answer, so what stopped you?" Itachi cuts in without glancing up from the book in his hands.

"He tried a really lame pick up line and she laughed in his face. It was the best moment of my life."

"It was not lame!" Hidan whines.

"I'm fairly certain, 'do I need to buy you a drink first or can we just fuck now' will never get you laid."

Laughter echoes through the room as Hidan huffs at them to shut up.

"So, what did she say?"

"She laughed in his face then told him that it would take more time for her to get undressed than he would last, so it wasn't worth her time."

"Whoever she is, I like her."

"He then tried to prove it by arguing his case very poorly, then tried to rip her clothes off. She got pissed and kicked his ass."

"For a twiggy little bitch she can fight. Fuck this. I'm sticking to the brothel girls, they call me Master. She was smoking hot though. Dark haired little thing with dark green eyes. Definitely looks good in black."

Itachi and Kisame straighten, the latter's expression darkening.

"Really big black long sleeved shirt and a pair of boots?"

"Yeah, she had the sleeves pushed up though."

"That's Hamako. Where was she?"

"Outskirts of Iwa. She mumbled something about Kusa being her next stop before Kiri, then she disappeared."

"She's going to get herself killed." Kisame sighs, rubbing his forehead.

Kisame and Itachi pass by a small compound on the outskirts of Kusagakure but pause as screams reach their ears. They turn toward the compound and share a look before backtracking to the gates. A woman rushes past them without looking back, two small children in her arms. The smell of blood is heavy in the air as they pass through the rows of houses, following the screams. Their mission was in Kusagakure itself, but their curiosity outweighs the need to progress. The path stops in front of what appears to be a large temple for the clan. There are two bodies in front of the door, their blood splattered across the steps and up the walls behind them.

"Someone is very upset." Kisame muses as they walk over the corpses and enter the temple. Every inch of the temple so far is soaked in blood and dotted with mutilated bodies.

"How am I not surprised?" Itachi mumbles once they stop in the doorway of the main room.

The room is complete chaos as twenty men are fighting for their lives and losing to the dark haired woman in the center, cutting them down as quick as they approach. Kisame notices the almost pitch black rings around Hamako's eyes and her overall haggard appearance. She always looked tired when he'd seen her but not to this extent. The rage pouring off her is enough to make even the hardened criminals watching her feel uneasy. As she continues her rampage, threats and an almost cheerful rant leaves her lips.

"I spent ten years looking for you! Ten fucking years to get my revenge. Do you have any idea how amazing this feels? I will make you suffer just as I did! Don't worry though, I've saved the best for last."

After decapitating the last man that was coming for her, a large sadistic smile stretches across her bloodstained face as she turns to the doorway just behind her. She still hasn't noticed the Akatsuki members standing in the doorway across from her.

"There's no escaping me, Shen. Come on out and accept your fate." She croons softly.

A man emerges from the darkness and tackles Hamako to the floor, sending splatters of blood up into the air. She wrestles against his hold as he attacks her but manages to dodge his blows as she flips them over. Two kunai appear in her hands as she straddles his waist. Her sadistic grin is gone, replaced by a murderous glare. Hamako pins one of his hands long enough to plunge a kunai through the center of his palm. She smirks as he cries out.

"Oh no, Shen. Does it hurt? Too bad. Remember those wonderful six months we spent together? All the absolute fun we had? I'm going to return the favor."

She plunges the second kunai into his other hand, relishing his pain-filled shouts.

"Akatsuki, get out." She says, not tearing her gaze from the man as she lightly slices the man's throat.

Kisame and Itachi tense but make no move to leave.

"I said get out!" Her voice echoes through the room, the threat evident in her tone.

The men share a look before slowly picking their way through the bodies and pools of blood. As they leave the compound they can still hear her victim's screams and her harsh laughter in the air around them. 

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now