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Hamako glances back at Kisame's sleeping form before sighing softly and leaving the room. They'd made it to another abandoned cottage closer to the Mist, one of about a dozen she'd discovered during her years of travel. She used them as safe places to stay if needed since the overgrowth hid the buildings fairly well. Her peaceful expression falls as the sunlight hitting her face from her perch in a tree disappears. Her eyes flick open to meet crimson eyes staring at her from behind a black mask.

"It took you long enough, Hare." She says calmly. "It's been a while."

"I entrusted the job with the Pack but they were taking far too long. I thought I'd come for my bride myself."

"If you wait for the dead, you'll be waiting for a very, very long time. I have no interest in returning with you, I have better things to do than become the wife of a dumb bunny."

"You seem to forget that you belong to me Rabbit." He growls, his hand darting out to wrap around her throat. "If you won't come back with me willingly, I'll bring you home myself. If you die in the process, that is a risk I'll have to take."

"Oh bite me."

Hamako latches onto his hand before jerking her whole body to the left, sending them both crashing toward the ground. Hare releases her to catch himself on a limb, then lands nimbly on the ground in front of her. They fall into a rhythm of blows and counters around the clearing, each strike done without hesitation. She grits her teeth as she misjudges the distance and his elbow lands a hit on her ribs.

"Where's your Akatsuki friend? Did he grow tired of you and run away? What a pity." Hare croons smugly as he manages to pin her down.

"I'm right here. Can I help you?"

"Perfect timing, Swordsman." Hamako grins despite the blade gently cutting her throat.

"Ah, so you're the man trying to steal away my bride. I thought you had better taste, Rabbit."

Hamako notices the blade move slightly away from her throat and takes the moment to grab his hand and force the blade into his chest. It won't kill him but it gives her an advantage.

"Really Rabbit? Did you think that was going to do much? My patience is running thin. Let's go, shall we?" Hare hisses as she gets to her feet.

As Kisame moves to draw the Samehada she shakes her head and tells him to stay out of it.

"How valiant. Protecting your little pet. Does he know you're just using him to get what you want? You already belong to me."

"You talk way too much." She sighs, drawing kunai from her pouch.

Hamako rushes toward Hare, dying to murder the dark haired man so they can move along on their journey, but he snaps his fingers before she can reach him and twenty masked figures drop from the trees around them. Kisame is already trying to cut down anyone in his vicinity while Hamako struggles to keep the group surrounding her at bay. Despite her best efforts, her kunai are ripped from her hands and six men tackle her to the ground. She glares up at Hare as he approaches her and crouches down in front of her.

"This is what happens when you try to leave the Pack. Even your little friend over there is having trouble against us. I'll make you a deal, Rabbit, if you willingly come with us to become my bride, we'll let him live."

"I have a better idea, Hare. How about my friend over there kills you and I go on my merry little way?"

Hamako smirks at Kisame who is standing behind Hare, a stolen sword in his hands poised to strike. The men holding her down release her, rushing to protect their leader, only to get cut down in a spray of blood.

"No! If I can't have you, no one can!" Hare shouts, tackling Hamako as she tries to stand.

"Just give up Hare. One of us is going to die today and it's not going to be me. You've lost your whole Pack, you have nothing left."

"If I die, I'm taking you with me!"

As Kisame's borrowed sword swings down toward Hare's head, Hare slams a kunai into her chest, his head tumbling away from his body a second later.

"G-Good job... Swordsman." Hamako gasps out as she shoves his body off of her.

"Hamako, you're hurt! Quit moving."

"I'm fine." She huffs, weakly batting at his hands while trying to sit up. "I'll just... pull it out... and we'll be on our way."

"If you pull it out right now, you'll probably bleed to death."

Despite her protests, he gently picks her up and carries her back to the cottage.

An hour later, Kisame sighs and finishes stitching Hamako's wounds. The kunai missed her vital organs and major artery but that mixed with the cut to her throat led to her losing a considerable amount of blood. He was able to calm her down by finding a few bottles of sake stored in the cabinets and it allowed him to take the kunai out and clean her up. She sits up slowly and puts her shirt back down before trying to get to her feet but Kisame pushes her back down onto the counter top.

"Stop it. We need to get going. We've got a Mizukage to kill, remember?"

"We're not going anywhere until you heal a little more or else you'll die before you even get into the village. Get comfortable."

"There's nothing to do here. It's not like we're going to have any more conflict. The Pack is dead. Any survivors will realize that Hare is dead and won't bother."

She tries to get up after Kisame moves her to the bed but he gently pins her down and shoots her a look.

"Hamako, if you try to get up again, I will tie you down."

"How kinky. It sounds like an interesting use of our time." She purrs, smirking at his deadpan expression. 

A very tense week passes before Kisame allows Hamako to leave the cottage. She'd quickly grown stir crazy and did everything she could to find a way out, including trying to dig a hole through the floor with a spoon. He felt certain that she would kill him if he didn't let her out soon so now they're on the way to the village they'd deserted so many years ago. The closer they come to the village gates, the more anxious Hamako becomes. He notices her hands trembling at her sides, her expression darkening into a simmering glare. He knows this is what she'd worked toward for so many years but it started to worry him. If she becomes too consumed by her rage, she could do something reckless and get herself killed. They both could very easily end up dead regardless.

The pair enter the village just after nightfall, clinging to the shadows as they make their way toward the Mizukage's building. Hamako stops them a few streets away and pulls Kisame into the nearby tavern. He looks at her curiously but she doesn't say anything and simply approaches the bar. She comes back a few minutes later holding two bottles.

"Liquid courage, Kisame darling. A pre-celebration or a last drink depending on the outcome." She grins as she hands one to him.

They slip out of the bar after finishing their drinks and continues on their way until Kisame presses her against a wall and kisses her.

"What was that about?"

"Just in case something happens, I wanted one last kiss."

"Don't get all sentimental on me now. We have to focus." She smirks, lightly patting his face. "If we survive, you'll definitely get more than a kiss." 

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now