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Hamako wakes up with a scream but it's muffled by the cloth tied securely around her mouth. She sits up despite her wrists being chained to the wall behind her, her ankles are chained to the ground as well. Through the gloom she can tell where she is. This room was one that haunted her nightmares every time she closed her eyes. A small door opens across from her, blinding her despite the dimness of the light.

"Ah, you're awake Rabbit. I thought I heard you. Is this room to your liking? I borrowed it from old friends." 

Her eyes narrow at the rabbit-eared silhouette as she starts to thrash against her bonds hoping to break free.

"If this room isn't to your liking, I could always move you to Shen's favorite suite."

Hamako shuffles back as far as the room and her chains allow.

"That's what I thought. Now come this way, I have some fun activities planned for you."

     Mouse drags Hamako through the tunnels of the Pack's base, despite her violently struggling against the chain. He's humming a perky tune under his breath, the noise echoing down the rounded stone walls. He stops humming and begins to tell her how much he missed her and how much fun they were going to have when they got to his room. Hamako bites down on her gag as her struggling finally breaks her thumb and her hand slips through the cuff. She stares up at him, hoping that he won't notice, then sets her focus on freeing her other hand.

"Oh, no, no. That's no good. Why don't you just be a good girl Rabbit? Naughty bunnies get punished." He croons as he stares down at her through the holes in the mask.

She gives him a vulgar gesture with her hand while still focusing on her escape. Mouse reaches down and grabs a handful of her hair, dragging her upright.

"I said be a good girl, Rabbit." He growls, his almost child-like voice disappearing into a much darker tone.

She strikes out at him with her free hand, wincing at the pain in her thumb as she hits his throat. He drops her while gasping for breath, but in her current state she can't run off only able to fight against the chains again.

"Naughty bunnies get punished." He chirps, his cheerful demeanor back as he leans down and grabs the chain again, this time wrapping it around her neck.

Her eyes widen as she quickly jerks her hand up between her throat and the chain as it pulls snug and he starts to drag her again.

"Let's get going, shall we? Fun awaits!"

     Hamako's eyes track Mouse as he paces the room in front of her limping slightly, his hands absently juggling three kunai while he rants. He'd brought her to another room of the base and chained her to the wall, a room she remembered during her time with Shen. What she didn't understand was why the Pack was in Shen's compound. When she was with the Pack, they'd created dozens of tunnels all leading to different places so they very well could have dug that far. But why? Her eyes slam shut and her breath comes out in a hiss as one of Mouse's kunai sinks into her right thigh. Another follows shortly after, striking her collar bone.

"See? Isn't this fun!" Mouse cheers.

The third kunai scrapes her cheek before sinking to the wall beside her.

"You know, Rabbit, I wasn't going to bother you. I received the order just like all the others but I liked you. You treated me well when you were here. When Hare found out, he took Amyra. He was going to kill her! I couldn't let him do that to my wife. It was all your fault for leaving him... Why couldn't you just marry him? I told her that I'd do whatever it took to keep her safe. Then I found you and you wouldn't just come with me!" He snaps, whirling around to face her. "He killed Amyra! He killed her because of you! But, you know what? I found a solution."

He draws another kunai and lightly trails it down her face and chest, then stabs her in the stomach.

"I'm going to kill you, Rabbit. It's the perfect revenge! I lose the love of my life, you lose your life." He backs away and returns to pacing. "Did you know that the Pack was close with your dear friend Shen? He told us many stories about the beautiful young woman he'd spent time with many years ago and all of the fun they had. After you so rudely wiped out his clan, we decided to take over. I thought I'd honor Shen's memory by reminding you of your time together before I kill you. You've hurt a lot of people Rabbit and actions have consequences. Too bad your Swordsman friend isn't around to save you this time."

     Hamako thrashes against Mouse's grip as he drags her back through the halls. After torturing her for a few more minutes, he decided he was done for the night. Since she didn't behave for him like he'd wanted, he told her she was going to get her punishment. She isn't going back to the first room, he's taking her to the coffin room... Her biggest fear.

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now