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Kisame sighs as Hamako launches herself at him for the fifth time in an attempt to escape from the base. He deflects her easily, sending her skidding across the floor again. He didn't want to hurt her but he had to use some force to keep her at bay. Hidan disappeared shortly after he realized that she no longer wanted to play with him, leaving the pair alone together, to Kisame's relief. He wasn't sure how anyone would react to the other. Hamako would likely try to murder everyone and most of the others would try to kill or take advantage of her.

"Hamako, please-"

"No, Kisame, you please- get the fuck out of my way." She growls. "I don't want to be here. I didn't want to be here. I have shit to do, people to kill."

"You won't get to the Mizukage without dying, so give it up!"

"So what if I die!? At least I'd die trying instead of going out like a coward. News flash Kisame," She snaps, moving closer to him with her arms crossed. "I have no one but myself so if I die, there's no big fancy funeral. There's no one mourning my loss. It won't matter if I live or die but I sure as hell am not going to rot away in here. All I want to do is kill the Mizukage. If I survive after that, who knows what I'll do but I'm not stopping until I complete my task."

Hamako's eyes widen as he suddenly pulls her to his chest and pins her against the wall, crashing his lips on hers. The shock starts to wear off and she begins to struggle against his grip but he doesn't release her for a few more seconds.

"What the Hell was that about!?" She shouts as she punches him in the chest when they pull apart.

"A man passed by so I had to cover. Hidan and Itachi won't mention your existence here but Zetsu would likely inform our Leader if he saw you, then you definitely wouldn't be able to leave."

"You aren't letting me leave anyway but how exactly does kissing me hide me? I figure that just draws more attention."

"Some of the members like to bring girls back so it's not uncommon to see things like that. You fighting me is very uncommon." He explains. "Can we make a deal?"

"You and your deals... I'm not interested."

"This allows you to leave," Her eyes narrow but she doesn't argue further. "but you have to go back to the room first. I don't want to encounter anyone else. I'm not sure who else is here."

Hamako immediately starts to pace the room once they're safely inside. Kisame can feel her anxiety about being trapped inside as his eyes follow her back and forth. She stops suddenly and turns to face him, her long raven hair whipping around her. He meets her burning gaze and sighs.

"Speak, shark man."

"I'll let you out and help you with your goal, if you come back when it's over."

Her expression blanks before she dissolves into loud laughter.

"Holy shit I knew your offer was going to suck but I mean that's just terrible! Why would I want to come back here? I didn't even want to be here in the first place, remember?"

"You don't exactly have anything better going for you." He retorts with a smirk.

"I have the sweet embrace of death to look forward to."

"That's why I'm going with you so you won't die."

"You've never told me why you don't want me to die so badly. Before I agree to or deny anything, answer that."

"I don't kn-"

"No." She moves to stand in front of him and flicks him in the forehead. "Stop dodging my question! I've asked multiple times and you try to skirt around answering me. So what is it? Curiosity? A secret plan to kill me? Obsession? Hatred? Are you just lonely? Turned on by my presence? What?"

Kisame doesn't answer so she backs away with a sigh but he catches her arm as she turns away and pulls her back.

"What?" She asks, looking up from his chest.

He brushes her hair back out of her eyes before pressing his lips to hers. The kiss is more gentle than what happened in the main part of the base, but it still takes her by surprise and she doesn't resist. He pulls away a moment later and releases her with a mumbled apology.

"Why?" Her voice comes out a whisper.

"I don't know why I did that, I-"

"No. Why did you stop?"

Kisame stares at her in stunned silence trying to process her words as she moves to her tiptoes and kisses him again. His hands begin to wander as he kisses her back, the shock wearing off. She smirks into the kiss and grabs his shirt, pulling him away from the door toward the bed. As she tries to push him back onto the mattress, he breaks the kiss.

"You're doing this to try to get out of here, aren't you?"

"Don't be stupid." She breathes, her hands wandering his chest and stomach.

"You freaked out last time I kissed you, you've tried this before to get out of here. Why else would you be doing this?"

Her hands stop moving and her expression shifts to carefully blank. "Forget it."

She backs away and grabs her original outfit before disappearing into the bathroom. He curses and sits on the edge of the bed running a hand through his hair. Hamako confused him, from their first encounter in the Mist until now. She would say or do one thing, then suddenly everything is the opposite. The slightest thing sets her off or sends her running. She switches from predator to almost calm and peaceful. She pulls away but throws herself at him. What he still didn't understand was why he kissed her in the first place. She was just so close and staring up at him, her eyes shining and breathtaking...

"Oh fuck..."

"You didn't want to." He looks up to find Hamako dressed in her original outfit, having washed them in the sink the night before. "Are we leaving or what?"  

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now