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Kisame lets out a long sigh as he and Itachi enter the gates of his home village a few weeks later. Their original plan was to return to the base after their mission in Kusagakure, but Zetsu interrupted their return with another job. Kisame's attention kept straying back to the girl they'd left in the bloodbath, wondering if perhaps what they'd stumbled across was what she'd been looking for. Based off her rants, he's pretty sure it was. It did raise the question of what Hamako would do now that her big goal was complete.

"I feel like we will never be rid of Hamako at this rate." Itachi speaks, breaking Kisame's train of thought.

"What do you mean?"

Itachi nods toward the left where there are at least three buildings on fire and dozens of ANBU officers surrounding the area.

"Who's to say it is her?" Kisame asks, watching some of the officers fight the fire while the rest are fighting in the street. "Oh, nevermind."

Hamako appears suddenly as one of the ninja gets cut down in front of her. The fire behind her makes her appear almost like an avenging angel as her swords move to strike down any ninja that gets too close. Kisame finds himself captivated by her movements and her rage. They had seen firsthand that she was plenty capable of fighting and defending herself at the compound, but against twenty ANBU officers at once, there's no way she could survive.

"What is she even doing here? I thought she had completed her goal back in Kusa?" Itachi asks as they watch the chaos.

"I thought so too. I guess not. She's not going to survive this. There are too many of them."

"That's not our problem. Do what you will, I am going to get what we need while they are busy."

Itachi leaves his partner behind and slips into the shadows of the buildings. Kisame watches Hamako for a moment longer before letting out a curse as he draws his sword and jumps into the fray against his better judgment.

Kisame expects Hamako to stop attacking once the ANBU officers had been taken care of, but she turns her attacks toward him. He blocks each strike and tries to defend himself without hurting her. As their swords clash, he tries to get her to stop by reminding her who he is and telling her that he doesn't want to hurt her.

"You're in my way! He has to pay! Move or I will cut you down as well!" She shouts, launching herself at him.

"Who has to pay? I thought you got your revenge back in that compound."

"It's not enough! It will never be enough until the Mizukage is begging me for his life like he stole mine!"

"You're never going to get near him, Hamako. The ANBU sent to fight you is nowhere near the amount of forces this village holds and you know that. You'll get killed before you could touch him!"

"Shut up! You don't know anything! He has to pay!"

Hamako ducks under his arm and rushes down the street toward the Mizukage's tower but Kisame takes off after her and tackles her to the ground. She thrashes beneath him, shouting insults and threats if he didn't release her but he holds tight. If she makes it to the tower she will be killed. He wasn't sure why he was so intent on protecting the strange woman but he couldn't let her die like that. He tries to calm her using soothing words and pinning her down as gently as possible. Kisame curses as she slips out from beneath him and gets to her feet. He moves to get up as well just as Itachi appears in front of her and grabs her chin. Hamako collapses as Itachi releases her with an impatient huff. Kisame catches her and lifts her into his arms.

"You didn't have to do that."

"If I hadn't, we would have been here longer since you were too afraid to hurt her. What you do with her now is up to you."

Kisame stares down at her bloodstained face and the dark rings around her eyes and sighs.

"Let's go back."

"She's going to kill you when she wakes up." Itachi hums as he glances down at her.

"I'll deal with it when it comes, besides she will likely go for you first."

"Nothing good can come of this. It's bad enough that you're already in love with her."


"It's painfully obvious. You have something for this annoying creature, whether it's love or some strange obsession, I'm not sure. It's not a good thing either way."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Kisame grumbles, tearing his gaze away from her as they leave the village.

Hamako wakes up the following night as Kisame and Itachi settle around a small fire in the forest. Kisame gently holds her down as she screams and cries while the trauma inflicted from Itachi's Sharingan fades away, leaving her to dry heave while her body trembles. She takes a few deep breaths to calm herself a few minutes later before Kisame allows her to sit up. He hands her a bottle of water that she gratefully drains.

"What the fuck happened?" She mumbles.

"We had to stop you from killing yourself."

"You should have let me go, Kisame."

"It was stupid what you were trying to do. You wouldn't have made it to the Mizukage before you were killed and you know that. You were part of their forces once, you know just how many ANBU they have."

"He needed to die... I will kill him somehow." She tries to get to her feet but instantly falls back to her knees. "Dammit Uchiha, I'm going to kick your ass!"

Itachi softly huffs in response and returns to his book.

"Where are we?" She asks as she runs her hands through her tangled locks.

"Almost to the base."

"I'm not going, Swordsman. Thank you for getting me out of the village, but once I'm able to walk again, I'm out of here." 

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now