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Hamako follows beside Kisame toward the entrance of the base in complete silence, her steps inaudible even in her boots. Kisame turns her to face him as he opens the door behind her back so she can't see the seals. She rolls her eyes at the action but stays quiet until the sunlight hits her back. Kisame watches as Hamako immediately steps out into the forest and takes a deep breath of fresh air, her whole body visibly relaxing. She turns slightly, shooting a glare back at the sealed entrance to the base before arching a brow.

"Oh, this is where it is. Good to know." She mumbles. "So how are you supposed to help me while playing lap dog for your Leader? I'm fairly certain there's no permission slip for this field trip."

"Don't worry about it, it's been taken care of." By taken care of, he means he is going AWOL on his new mission to a village nearby until her thing is taken care of. "Listen Hamako, I-"

His heart drops and anger flares as he looks up to find her gone.

"It's not like I don't know where you're headed..." He sighs before heading off into the forest to try to catch up to her.

Kisame finds Hamako a short while later, locked into a fight against three men. It had only been ten minutes since she'd gone outside and already found herself in trouble. He watches in amusement as she kicks a sword from one man's hand, catches it, and beheads him in a fluid series of movements. The sword tears through the next man's chest and she rolls out of the way of his falling body while avoiding the final man's attack. He tries to pin her beneath his foot, so she drops the sword and twists his ankle until it snaps. He stumbles backward, giving her time to get to her feet and jabs his throat lightly with the sword.

"Who sent you?" Her voice comes out a low, harsh growl as she glares down at him.

The man chuckles, refusing to break eye contact despite the predatory aura pouring off of her. "You shouldn't have to ask, Rabbit."

Hamako tenses before swiftly driving the sword through his heart and into the ground. She doesn't move afterward, her gaze still fixated on her victim as his blood seeps into the ground.

"Are you coming or what?" She asks without looking up.

"You took off without me."

"You caught up, didn't you?"

Kisame sighs and moves around the corpses to stand beside her.

"Care to explain?"


Hamako's mood grew worse the further they traveled from the corpses they'd left behind but Kisame didn't want to bother her in her unstable state and send her running off again. He simply chose to take advantage of the fact that she hadn't tried to disappear again. His thoughts kept wandering back to the man that called her Rabbit, wondering who exactly he was and what that meant.

"Heads up." Hamako sighs as she shoves him aside, a series of kunai landing where he'd been before.

Kisame draws his sword and steps in front of her, blocking the attacks from the ninja running toward them. There are five of them now all wearing animal shaped masks. The men from before weren't wearing them but he'd noticed them on the ground nearby. Hamako ducks beneath his arm and tackles the wolf to the ground as he quickly disposes of the others. As they fight, Kisame notices the gleam of metal on her arm and realize that she'd gotten hit by a kunai and hadn't taken it out. Her fingers slip underneath the mask and it's tossed across the clearing before shattering against a tree.

"Today's your lucky day Wolf, you're not going to die. You get a special new job today. Run on home and tell him that the end is quickly coming if he doesn't stop. I don't have time for his petty games."

"You're just lucky you're in the company of an Akatsuki. If he wasn't around, you wouldn't stand a chance, Rabbit." The ginger haired man hisses, cutting a glare over her shoulder to Kisame.

"I took down The Birds all on my own so try again. Now run little Wolf, go while you still can."

She gets to her feet and watches as he hesitates before disappearing into the trees. She lets out a sigh and stretches her arms above her head before flinching.

"Oh. Right." She tugs the kunai out and frowns as the sleeve of her shirt gets wet. "I guess it's patch time until the next round arrives."

Kisame surveys the area before returning the Samehada to his back and stands beside her as she sits on the ground to dig through her bag. She pulls her arm inside the sleeve of the shirt and brings it out through the neck hole so she can work without being exposed. His eyes wander the bodies and the masks before returning to Hamako. Who are these people and how is she connected to them? He voices that thought and she tenses before shrugging.

"They are people."

"There's more to it than that. Why did that one call you Rabbit?"

"I've gone by many names in my life, Swordsman."

"Why are they after you?"

"Because I have enemies. Any other questions you wish to toss at me so I can avoid them?"

"I'm with you on this whole thing, so I'd like to know what we're up against."

"You don't have to be here, you know that right. You're the one that suggested it. Feel free to run back home with your tail between your legs. I can survive on my own." She shimmies backward a second after the words leave her lips, senbon embedding in the ground in front of her. "They're persistent this time."

Kisame jerks her to her feet and shoves her behind him.

"You don't know what you're up against. I should be protecting you." She hums softly.

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now