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Kisame sighs and runs a hand down his face as he and Itachi travel through torrential rains. Winter had finally faded into the beginnings of Spring, the snow melting and bringing in annoying amounts of rain in its wake. Pein has been keeping them busy with mission after mission, to the point they'd only been at the base twice in the past three months. It was exhausting but Kisame used the constant activity to rid himself of the lingering thoughts of Hamako. She had been driving him insane without even being around. They caught sight of her a few weeks prior as they passed by Suna but she disappeared before he could talk to her.

"You're thinking of her again, aren't you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Kisame snaps, cutting a glare toward Itachi. "I'm thinking of how this rain is annoying."

"You get the same look on your face every time you think of her. It's strange that a woman you barely know is having such an effect on you."

"There is no 'effect' that Hamako is having on me. We saw her three times and that's it. She's just someone I knew back before I joined the Akatsuki."

Itachi smirks but doesn't press it further as they draw close to the gates of Konoha.

Itachi and Kisame make their way through the village, clinging to the shadows of the sleeping village as they head toward the Hokage's tower. Their job this time is simple, just a scroll retrieval. The pair pause underneath a tree and press themselves further into the shadows as a figure wanders by with a floral parasol held over their head. Kisame arches a brow as the person hums a tune and lazily dances around in circles down the street. He blinks in surprise as they pass by a pool of light cast from the lanterns marking a bar, revealing the floral pattern to truly be dried blood splatters. The woman stops suddenly and turns toward them but he can't make out her features through the dark and rain. He and Itachi both draw weapons, ready to fight, but quickly realize she isn't reacting to them. With an almost elegant flourish, she closes the parasol and swings it out to the right, jabbing the ANBU ninja in the throat as they appear beside her. As the ninja tries to strike her, she drops down and sweeps their feet before kicking them in the chest as she straightens.

"Konoha ninja are getting stronger." Kisame muses.

"Unless she's a criminal in the village, she's not from here."

"Good point."

"We should keep moving while the ANBU are distracted." Itachi points out as four more officers appear in the struggle.

Kisame hesitates, drawn to the action and bloodshed, but follows Itachi to the tower.

When they leave the Hokage's office the rain has finally stopped, leaving the air wet and muggy. Itachi tucks the scroll into his cloak as they pass by the bar again. The battle they'd left behind is gone but the results can't be determined from the broken parasol left behind. Kisame turns to the bar as someone shuffles out into the street, the door slamming behind them cutting off the ruckus from inside. It's a man stumbling around with a bottle swinging around in his hand. He notices the Akatsuki members and heads their way making Itachi motion for them to continue on. Kisame notices a flicker of movement on the roof before blood sprays them and the area around them. The man's body splits in half, the pieces slumping to the ground with wet thuds. Both men lift their gazes from the corpse to find Hamako standing behind it with a long thin sword in her hands.

"Oh, hello Akatsuki." She chirps as she tosses the sword aside with a loud clatter.

"You seem to be everywhere." Kisame muses, shaking his head as she disappears momentarily, returning with a bottle of sake.

"I could say the same to you, Swordsman."

As she drains the bottle, he notices that her outfit has changed slightly. She's come into possession of a pair of tight fitting black pants to replace her shorts. His shirt and the boots she'd worn last time are still on her body but seem cleaner than they were before. Her hair is soaked but he's not entirely sure if it's more blood or rain. She steps over the body and snatches the bottle that surprisingly survived the fall but frowns when she finds it empty.

"So, what brings you back to your homeland Uchiha?" She drawls, addressing the raven haired man.

He doesn't answer so she shrugs. "Suit yourself. Oh, there's my umbrella! Such a shame they broke it."

"I should have known it was you." Kisame chuckles.

"They interrupted my walk in the rain. This village ended up being useless to me anyway. Oh well, onto the next lead."

"Where are you headed next?"

"Out to the Mountain's Graveyard."

"There's nothing out there but bones?" Kisame asks as he and Hamako subconsciously fall into step with Itachi.

"And a man by the name Reiji Sato. He lives in the forest somewhere out there with a peculiar young servant."

"Who are you looking for so badly?"

Hamako doesn't answer as she tucks her hands in the back pockets of her pants.

"I still think you should consider joining us."

"I did consider it when I said no twice, then kicked the Uchiha's ass." She smirks as Itachi tenses beside her. "I have things to do, people to see."

"So, what did the drunk man do?" Kisame asks, trying to find ways to keep her around as long as possible.

"I have only a few rules in life: Don't disrespect me, don't lie to me, and don't touch me. He did all three."

Hamako pauses and stares up at the sky for a few seconds, so Kisame follows suit, wondering what she's staring at since it's nothing but an inky darkness.

"This is not a good night for travel." She says just as lightning streaks across the sky overhead, loud booms of thunder following immediately after. "The storm is almost here and it's going to be a bad one."

A warm wind picks up, lifting her dark locks up into the air.

"I have somewhere outside of the village to stay for the night. Unless you'd prefer to stay out in this or sleep in the village, you're welcome to come along."

Itachi opens his mouth to decline her offer but it dies on his lips as the entire village lights up around them and the whole world seems to tremble at the thunder that comes with it. 

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now