Snow Day

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Kisame leaves the gates of Yukigakure and sighs. He hadn't seen Hamako in three months, not even in passing. He missed her terribly and started to worry that something bad had happened to her but a few of the members had seen her on their missions. He tenses as something cold and wet hits the back of his head, sending the cold down the back of his cloak. He whirls around, scanning the area but the clearing is empty. He huffs and shakes the snow off his hair before continuing on. A few steps later, more snow hits the back of his head. He whips around, his hand reaching back for his sword but the clearing is empty again. He turns back around, intent on leaving the snowy land without dealing with whatever is going on. Two steps later and he's struck again.

"What the fuck!?" He shouts as he looks back and scans the trees. Nothing.

As he turns back, his eyes fall on a dark haired woman leaning against a tree trunk a few feet away, tossing a snowball into the air.

"I do believe talking to yourself is considered a sign of mental instability." She tells him with a smirk, her breath appearing in a puff of vapor.

"I believe it's only when you start to answer yourself that you're crazy." He retorts as he takes a step closer.

"People who are crazy don't know they are crazy. Perhaps you're simply imagining me and the snow? Maybe that's why you never see anything when you turn around?" She asks, quirking a brow.

A snowball hits the back of his head and his eyes widen before he turns around. Hamako is standing behind him, still absently tossing the snowball. He tears his gaze away from her to turn back to the tree she was just at, but the clearing is empty.

"How did you-?" He turns back and she's gone completely. "Maybe I am going crazy..."

"Maybe you are."

A weight settles on his back before a pair of cool lips presses against his cheek. He sighs and shakes his head as he helps Hamako stand. She grins up at him as she rests her head on his upper arm. Despite the physical contact and the warmth from her body, Kisame finds himself unsure if she's really there or not. Hamako pouts at his expression and moves away from him.

"Fine. I can see I'm not wanted... I'll just continue on my way... I have a bounty to cash in on anyway..."

With every dramatic pause, she takes a few slow steps away, casting pitiful glances over her shoulder. Kisame reaches out and catches her hand before pulling her back to his chest.

"You, my dear, are not going anywhere." He growls as he pulls her into a kiss.

"So," She sighs as they part. "coming or going?"

"Going. Coming or going?"

"Coming but only to collect the reward."

"Why don't I come along? It's dangerous for a beautiful young woman such as yourself to be walking alone."

"How gentlemanly. However, I was told not to talk to strange men in the forest." She smirks, lightly bumping into his side as they walk.

"Hm, why not live a little? Break some rules. What's the worst that could happen?"

"Well, the last time I talked to a strange man in the forest, he gave me a shirt and wood for my fire."

"How terrifying." Kisame chuckles.

"The worst part is, he made me fall in love. That is the scariest thing ever."

"That monster!" He gasps, making her laugh.

Kisame waits for Hamako to return to the forest, having left him behind to cash in on her job. This is how their year had been, stumbling across each other at random and if the chance arose, they'd spend at least one night together before parting ways again. He missed her as soon as she was gone, but he always looked forward to seeing her again. He never thought she could look more beautiful or that he could love her more, but every time his eyes met hers, he was proven wrong. A darkly clad blur crashes into his side, almost knocking him over.

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now