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Kisame wakes up in his room at the Akatsuki base and sighs. It's been a month since the attack on the Mizukage and he couldn't get Hamako out of his head. Then again, he never could get her out of his head. Seeing her lying there in the wreckage, barely breathing, broke him far more than he could have ever imagined. He wasn't even sure if she'd been successful in her goal but he couldn't ask her. He couldn't even hear her voice outside of his own mind. He missed her terribly. He gets to his feet and pulls on random clothing before making his way through the base. Deidara offers a quick greeting as he passes through the main room but Kisame doesn't respond, his mind on one thing only. He had brought Hamako back to the base a few days after the attack and his mission. He recruited Sasori's help on treating her and the puppeteer complied, leaving him with the knowledge that she would wake when her healing allowed, if she woke at all. No one questioned the girl in the medical wing until Pein heard of it and Kisame fought tooth and nail until Pein backed down on his will to have her killed immediately. He takes a deep breath before pushing the doors open.

The bed is empty. The bed is empty! That's all that is repeating through his mind as he tears through the base looking for any sign of Hamako. Any member he comes across he threatens while asking of her but no one has seen her. He slides into the main room and focuses his sights on the blond explosives expert as he works on his clay. Deidara pauses, feeling his eye burning into his head, and his exposed sky blue eye locks onto Kisame.

"Can I help you, un?"

"The girl in the medical wing. Have you seen her?"

"You mean the one stabbing Hidan a while back, un? She's rather pretty. I saw her head toward your room a while ago but she came back and asked me to let her out. You missed her by about ten minutes, un."

"You what!?" He shouts, reaching back for the sword.

"She said that she still had things to do so she needed to go, un. I didn't know I was supposed to stop her. She left something for you though." Deidara reaches over and hands him a pile of fabric and a piece of paper.

The fabric turns out to be the charred remains of the shirt he had given her that snowy night in the woods. He absently rubs the fabric as he heads toward the entrance, his eyes skimming over the paper. It's a note from Hamako.


Thank you for everything you've done for me. It feels weird to say that. Because of you, I was able to free myself from the Pack and I completed my goal. The Mizukage is dead. I've made my peace with the world finally. I would've died if it weren't for your help and I can never do enough to repay you for your kindness. I wish that I could have stayed with you but we both know that wouldn't have worked. I cannot sit still, especially in a place where I cannot move as I please. We will see each other again someday, that much I'm sure of. We can't seem to stay away from each other for long. I have things to do, people to kill. Just look for trouble and I'll be there. I wanted to return your shirt, I'm sorry to tell you, it's a little burned and bloodstained. In exchange for that shirt, I stole another shirt before I left your room. Maybe this one will return to you in one piece, only time will tell. Three weeks, the cottage near Konoha, sunset. We still owe each other our victory celebration, don't we Swordsman?



"Love?" He whispers, looking up from the letter at the entrance.

Part of him wants to go after her but he knows that he could never keep her with him as he would like. Instead, he turns back toward his room, rereading the letter over and over again. Out of curiosity, he digs through his clothing before chuckling.

"Of course, she managed to take my favorite."

Kisame stares at the cottage, afraid to move any further. What if she isn't there? What if something had happened during the three weeks since she'd disappeared? Hamako has always been unpredictable so there's even a chance she'd want nothing to do with him. He tenses as something touches his upper arm.

"Thinking of purchasing the property? It's rather lovely but some unsavory characters have been known to break in on occasion."

He smiles at the sound of her voice and turns to find her elbow propped against his upper arm, a smirk on her face.

"I wasn't sure you'd be here." He admits.

"I told you I would be." She shrugs before lacing her fingers through his and dragging him into the cottage.

"So what have you-"

His question dies on his lips a soon as the door closes behind them and Hamako pulls him into a kiss. Kisame picks her up and pins her against the door as their tongues fight for dominance, his free hand tearing at her clothes.

Kisame wakes up, surprised to feel warmth beside him, and smiles at Hamako as her head rests on his bare chest. He pulls the blanket higher up on her body and gently rubs her back. Her eyes slowly open, narrowed into slits as she glares up at him. He arches a brow and asks what's wrong as he brushes her bangs from her eyes. She simply huffs in response before pulling herself up and placing a kiss on his lips.

"I've been awake for a whole minute and hadn't gotten a kiss."

"Who knew you'd be so affectionate?" He chuckles, kissing her again.

"Affectionate? No. I just know what I want."

She pulls away despite him trying to hold her and abandons the bed in search of a shirt to wear.

"Are you running away already?" He asks.

"I'm hungry. Breakfast sounds nice, don't you think?" She replies as she ties her hair back into a messy bun.

"Can I ask you some questions, Hamako?" He asks once he's dressed as well.

"As I've said before Kisame darling, 'nothing can particularly stop someone from asking something, it's just a risk on whether or not you receive an answer'."

"Smart ass." He grumbles as they start to quietly argue over who cooks. "I just- I want to know more about you. You've never told me much."

Hamako huffs from her place on the counter, having lost the fight, and looks up at him.

"Where do you want me to start?"

"Wherever you feel comfortable. I want to know everything, honestly, but I don't want to pressure you or scare you off." 

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now