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A/N: This chapter is basically a long, uninterrupted dialogue from Hamako, explaining her past to Kisame. I wasn't sure how else I wanted to do it, so sorry if it's terrible.

"I joined the ANBU forces in the Mist as a hunter nin right after the Academy. I was put with the Nanaki twins and we quickly gained a reputation as some of the best hunters around. We did every job assigned without question and things were great. We returned from a job one night and Sen and I went to turn in our report. We heard the Mizukage talking to a man wearing a swirled mask. The things they spoke of went against the village. We were going to just leave and come back in the morning but Haru came in and blew our cover. A few days later, we were given another mission to track down and eliminate a rogue near Kusagakure. That mission turned out to be an ambush by the entire clan. It was set up by the Mizukage himself to get rid of us for hearing too much. No one would question it if we simply died in action. The twins were killed almost immediately, but Shen decided that two of three would be fine. They were paid for the job and he kept me locked away in an underground cellar, beating, abusing, and torturing me as he pleased. I spent six months in there until I finally escaped. He thought he'd killed me and had someone carry me off. When I came to, I returned to the Mist.

They held me in the ANBU headquarters, claiming that they'd heard I'd killed my teammates in a fit of rage. They were going to kill me for it, labeling me as a traitor to the village despite me arguing otherwise. I fought my way out and disappeared to try to track down the clan that had taken me since I never saw outside of the compound. I spent years traveling and following leads, doing whatever was necessary to get what I needed. The village thankfully never put a public hit on my head but I had several run-ins with ANBU officers. I found myself in trouble here and there, nothing too major. It was a rather peaceful existence. Then I met you. Honestly, I'd gotten a little too drunk that night and forgot to gather wood for the fire. I was in between random jobs so I didn't have food or much of anything to take care of myself, so I had to use my shirt for the fire. You looked familiar but I couldn't place you. At the time all I could think was your cloaks looked warm. If I hadn't have been so wasted I would've tried to kill you for it. I continued on my way and just kept running into the two of you. It was rather comical, just some extra entertainment. You intrigued me but I had important things to do. That night we were waiting out the storm here and I left, I ended up going to the Mountain's Graveyard. I met with Reiji and absolutely adored his assistant Aki. She can form glass from her skin and make them into weapons. It was really cool. I ended up in Ishigakure for a little while and that's where I met Hare and the Pack. I eventually was able to track down Shen and his clan and went to have a chat. You walked in on that. I made sure that everything he did to me, well, almost everything... I would never touch someone in that way... I made sure that I did whatever he did to me. Every cut, stab, punch, broken bone, I did it. Then once I got his employer's identity from him I killed him.

I was so mad that the Mizukage was the one that set it up I went after him immediately. It all came together once he said it. The whole thing was set up to cover his tracks. I didn't care what happened to me as I'd spent so many years in search of that one thing. I wanted him to die no matter what it took. I invaded the village and during the fighting, some fires may have been set. I had full intentions of making it to him until you appeared. And well, you know the rest...

The night you and I both went after the Mizukage, I was ambushed as soon as I touched the floor. He knew that I'd figured it out when I showed up the first time. He figured that I would try again soon so he had everything ready just in case. After he sent the ANBU away, he admitted the truth and said he'd take the opportunity to get rid of me for good. We fought in his office, starting the fire as a candle fell. As the flames hit the hallway, something triggered an explosion. During the struggle, he managed to cuff me to a beam, planning to leave me to burn alive in the tower, but I remembered a senbon I'd strapped to my thigh. He tried to escape through a hidden door but I hit a pressure point and it dropped him. Part of the ceiling collapsed on him a moment later and a pipe went through his chest. Technically I didn't kill him myself, but I watched him die so it was enough for me. I tried to get out of the chain but the smoke got to me and I guess I lost consciousness. I woke up in the Akatsuki base and stumbled across that blond guy. HE was rather helpful. Now we're here." 

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