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Kisame finds himself sitting across from Hamako on his bed as she drains another bottle of sake. He'd managed to get her to the kitchen and back without issue and they both ate their fill of ramen since it was the only thing available besides a moldy apple. He'd decided to give her some time to settle herself before pressing her for the answers he'd asked for. Hamako looks up suddenly, frowning at the empty bottle then turns to him.

"Do you have working showers here?"


"Like there's one through that door right there?" She asks, gesturing lazily to the door.

"Yes?" He arches a brow in confusion.

Hamako gets to her feet and disappears through the door without another word. The shower kicks on a moment later and he shakes his head before gathering the trash from their dinner to take to the kitchen.

Kisame looks up at the door as it opens and Hamako steps out wrapped in a large white towel, her dark hair hanging limply down her back. His eyes widen and despite the urge to peek, he averts his gaze to the floor. He looks up at the sound of the drawers scraping and finds her wearing a pair of his boxers and pulling one of his shirts over her head, her bare back exposed to him. His eyes wander her skin, following the lines of the large, deep jagged scars marring her complexion. She turns to face him once the shirt is in place and starts to dry her hair with the towel.

"I feel so much better now." She sighs.

"I feel like at this rate you will end up with most of my clothing."

"Oh, well I could always give them back." Hamako chirps, starting to pull the shirt up again but he stops her.

"No, no. It's fine."

"What? You afraid you couldn't handle seeing a woman's body?"

He doesn't answer but watches her return the towel to the bathroom before settling on the bed beside him.

"So, what do you want to know?" She leans forward to pull her hair over her shoulder and begins to braid it. "I guess I owe you some words, don't I?"

"What happened with the Mist back then? You left on a mission and your team died, then you came back and left on a murderous rampage. Let's start there."

"Well, I feel like you just explained everything yourself there, Kisame."

Kisame tenses at her hand trailing his thigh before she snags the bottle in his hand between his legs.

"There has to be more to it than that."

"It was all a set up. The mission, the murder, all of it. I wasn't supposed to come back. When I did, they decided to pin the murders on me so they could kill me without causing a fuss."

"Why did they want you out of the way so badly? And why did you go after all those other people if you knew that?"

"A woman has to have her secrets, yeah?" She mumbles softly, drawing her knees to her chest. "Just know there is not a single thing I do without having a reason."

Kisame looks over at her, noting the almost broken appearance she held. Even in the forest that night struggling to keep the fire lit or when she fought against the ANBU back at their home village, she never looked so worn down.

"What was the longest you've been still?" He asks suddenly, drawing her attention. "How long have you stayed in one place, not moving, not fighting for survival?"

She stays quiet for a moment, resting her head on her knees as she thinks. "I honestly haven't the slightest idea. Even my childhood was spent moving and fighting. Why do you ask?"

"You look exhausted yet haven't stopped moving, even now." He explains, shooting a pointed look at her hands picking absently at the bottle's label.

"This is the longest I've been inside since..." She trails off.

"Since that man tortured you?"

She looks up at him in surprise before her eyes narrow dangerously.

"I heard you talk to that man in the temple that day." Kisame explains. "You said that you were going to repay him for the six months you spent together."

Her eyes move down to the palms of her hands. "Yeah, not since him." Her voice comes out a whisper.

Kisame opens his eyes and rolls over in bed, noting the lack of warmth beside him. He had stayed up with Hamako for several more hours, talking and drinking, each dodging answers to the other's questions. She'd fallen silent after a while and when he finally dared to glance at her, he discovered her fast asleep with her head still resting on her knees. It was rude to leave her there, so he laid her on the bed and covered her before curling up beside her.

"That's not good..." He sighs as he gets to his feet and pulls on a shirt.

Her boots and bag are gone but the rest of her old outfit is still piled up in the floor.

He leaves his room and follows the sounds of shouting and metal on metal to the main room where Hamako is locked in a stalemate with Hidan. Kisame looks around before settling in a chair to watch. She'd beaten Hidan before so he didn't think she'd have a problem doing it again despite his immortality. He smirks slightly as he notices she's still wearing his underwear beneath the shirt, though she'd rolled the waistband several times to fit a little better. He watches the dark haired woman duck the scythe before bringing her foot up to his chest, knocking him back a few feet. The scythe is knocked from his hand a moment later and Hamako has him pinned to the floor beneath her.

"Why the fuck are you even here!?" Hidan shouts, glaring up at her.

"Oh trust me, I'm not exactly here of my own accord. You got in the way of my departure though. What a pity."

Kisame chuckles and arches a brow as she lifts a kunai and drives it into Hidan's chest.

"Oh fuck, do that again." Hidan purrs, only angering her further.

She stabs him again but it Hidan moans instead of dying.

"He's immortal, Hamako. He also gets off on pain and blood, so good luck." Kisame cuts in.

"Great." She drawls as she jabs him one more time twisting the blade into his shoulder before leaving it there and getting to her feet.

"Don't stop. Come back it was just starting to feel good." Hidan croons, trying to pull her back.

"Keep your sex acts in your room, un." A blond man groans as he passes through the room, his exposed eye passing over her and the man on the floor.

"Alright, I've had my fun. Take care everyone, I must be off." Hamako chirps before heading toward the entrance.

"Hamako, you can't leave."

Kisame moves to stand between her and the long hall separating her from the entrance. She glares up at him defiantly as her hands clench into fists at her sides.

"Move. I played your little games. I stayed here for a night, I spoke to you, I didn't kill you in your sleep. I deserve to leave. I have things to do and you're in my way yet again Kisame. I don't know what you're wanting or expecting of this and I'm not interested. I'm not your lover, I'm not your friend, I'm just a person who needs to leave this Godforsaken Hell hole before I lose my shit and kill everyone in this place." 

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now