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 Kisame and Itachi find themselves following Hamako into the forest as the storm blows in at full force, soaking them completely as the wind whips through the trees. Despite their annoyance at the weather, the men can't help but notice that Hamako is positively thrilled at the weather, her arms outstretched as she twirls in circles. The dark haired woman stops in front of a thick brush and motions to it as if displaying a prize.

"That's a bush. Did you drag us here to sleep in a bush?" Itachi asks, his patience wearing thin.

"I'm not as stupid as you think I am." She growls, sticking out her tongue before turning to Kisame. "Will you do the honors? I left my sword behind."

Kisame steps forward as she backs away and slices at the greenery, revealing an old wooden door.

"Ta da. Suck it Uchiha."

Kisame forces the door open and the trio step inside, their steps earning creaking noises and small clouds of dust. Hamako moves past them, following a memorized path, and within a few minutes there is a small fire burning in the stone hearth across the room. She wipes her hands on her pants and turns back to the men. Kisame is studying the small cottage, noting the decent shape it's in and the thin layer of dust settled over everything.

"What is this place?" Itachi asks, breaking the silence.

"Now it's somewhere to stay for the night. Unless you want to travel in this mess. Usually I go in through the window, but I didn't feel like messing with it. It's a little dirty but there are two beds in the back room if you'd like to rest." Hamako explains as she enters the kitchen and begins to dig through one of the cabinets. "Sweet. I knew leaving alcohol here would be a good idea."

Itachi shoots a mistrusting look toward her then heads through the doorway to sleep, leaving Kisame alone with her. Hamako moves over to the faded blue couch and curls up on one side before patting the empty cushion and telling the swordsman to sit. He arches a brow as she absently juggles the three bottles in front of her.

"Don't worry I won't bite... unless you ask me to, besides, your teeth seem more suited for biting." She giggles at the strange look he gives her as he takes a seat beside her. "Want some? High grade sake from the Hot Springs."

He takes a bottle and sips the bitter liquid.

"Can I ask you something, Hamako?" Kisame asks, keeping his gaze on the fire burning in front of them.

"Nothing can particularly stop someone from asking something, it's just a risk on whether or not you receive an answer."

"What happened back in the Mist? You disappeared then came back and went on a rampage before disappearing again."

He notices her tense beside him before relaxing again almost instantly.

"They were bastards." She answers bitterly as she slumps down on the couch and places her booted feet on the table. "They deserved everything that happened to them."

"What did they do?"

"Curious aren't you, Kisame? What happened to you in the Mist? I don't give away information for free." She purrs, rolling her head to the side to look at him.

Kisame turns toward her and notes the almost predatory aura pouring off of her. He opens his mouth to answer her but the words fail him. A lazy smirk crosses her face before she takes another long swig from the bottle. She turns back to the fire, leaving Kisame to stare at her glowing outline.

"I plotted to overthrow the government and assassinated a lot of people." Kisame says finally.

"They were going to kill me for murdering my teammates." She mumbles, picking at the label.

"Did you?"

Her head snaps toward him, her expression darkening into a deep glare. "Fuck off."

He opens his mouth to apologize to her but the sound of the door slamming signals her departure a second later.

Hamako didn't return even as the sun rose over the horizon. Kisame stands and stretches before dousing the fire with the contents of one of the drip buckets. Itachi enters the room while securing his cloak, his eyes searching the room before landing on his partner.

"Where is she?"

"Let's just go." Kisame grumbles, turning toward the door.

They leave the cottage behind and trudge through the mud on their way back to the base. Kisame's thoughts continue to return to the dark haired woman and what she'd said. No one in the village ever really explained what happened with Hamako, basically making it out to be a case of mental instability. Based on her peculiar attitude already, what they said could be true, but villages have a penchant for lying. He was dying to learn more about her but he'd scared her off by his stupid question.

"I'm surprised she didn't kill us while we slept." Itachi says, breaking the silence.

"She wouldn't have." Kisame shoots back.

"She is unpredictable with a quick temper. We don't know much about her either. She took off in the middle of the night for no reason, who knows what she was doing."

"I made her mad and she took off. She's probably headed to the Graveyard to look for that guy. As unusual as she is, she is very focused on tracking down whoever she's been searching for. We're not her target."

Sharks Need Love Too (Kisame x OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now