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Life was complicated.
First your biology teacher decides that you would be a delicious snack. Then you run all the way home with you're monster of a teacher screaming"Come back my morsel!"

You tell this to your loving mother who sighs heavily and tell you that she's the great,great,great(add a few more greats please,thanks!) grand daughter of a god called Apollo(sun,music,healing,archery)

Yippie(note ze sarcasm folks)

THEN-yes there's more ,tis a sad life -she tells you to pack up because you're a demigod ,daughter of a god and mortal,and you had to go to camp to train and stay safe. She refused to tell you who ur godly dad is though.

And that's how you ended up in the woods.

All you wanted right now was some air conditioning,a bed,Netflix and some Cheetos . Sadly you had none .
So imagine you're surprise, well, lack of actually when you saw a huge sign saying CAMP HALF BLOOD,in Greek which some how you translated.
Oh well,no turning back now .
You walk through a magical barrier(you've come to believe just about anything at this point) and see a magnificent camp.
This had better be worth it.

(A/N): Hey guys this is is my first book and is a fan fiction so PLEASE don't judge or leave rude comments or I'll send you to Tartarus. Your character is based on mine

Rhea,daughter of.....(I realised I couldn't tell you since you'll find out later soooooooo😁😂)

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