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How wealthy are these people??

The flight attendant came back with four drinks and handed them to whoever ordered it.

  "The pilot should check up on you guys right before we take off, he may be here in just a few minutes." She said with a smile, checking her watch before she walked off.

  Please be a woman pilot.

Axel went right to downing his milkshake, while his brothers did the same with whatever they had.

  Dean pulled out a phone and held it to his ear.

"Kristen, hey. I need you to make sure every male worker at our house is gone. Yes you can stay, just make sure every single man is gone. Yes the women can stay. Alright. See you in a bit."

He ended the call and turned to Vincent.

"We need to get her a new hearing aid for Christmas."

Vincent chuckled and went back to his drink.

I- didn't do that for me, did they?

I was cut off from my thoughts when I heard heavy steps coming our way.

Please be a really tall girl.

"Hello there, I'm going to be your pilot this morning. Call me James."
The man said.

Deep breaths Lana.

The four brothers looked at each other before standing in front of the pilot.

The pilot was tall, but he doesn't have anything on these people, so his view was blocked from me.

They all introduced themselves quietly. The same kind of quiet they used when I was in the room.

"I'll make sure you guys have a safe flight home, don't worry."

I hate when people say 'don't worry.'

Of course I'm still going to worry!

The pilot went to the cockpit and the door closed up.

A million questions raced through my head as we lifted off.

Who are these people?
Is it actually possible I might have living family?

Will they hurt me?

I wanted an answer.

I was just too scared to get it.

The plane shook as we took off.

I toyed with the cross hanging around my neck, a nervous habit I had somehow acquired when I was at my first orphanage.

  I traced the letters of my last name with my finger.

  They have the same name.

"Are you nervous, little Lana?" I heard Dean ask.

  I still was not used to not jumping at a mans voice.

  But nows my chance.

I need to at least know where we are going.

"W-where are we going?" I asked him.

Oh my goodness. I-I just talked to a man.

Everyone else seemed just as surprised as I was, but masked it quickly.

  "We live in the northern most part of New York. It's a pretty secluded area." He responded with a warm smile.

   "My favorite time of the year is when it's snows. It's so calm." Vincent put in.

   I love snow.

I nodded my head before realizing another thing I would need to know.

  "W-What s-school will I go to?"

"Well if you were ok with it, we wanted you to be homeschooled."

  I thought for a moment.

No more having to worry about socializing with men, except for the ones I live with.

I nodded my head to show him I was ok with it.

  "Perfect, I'll make some calls when we get there." He responded easily.

A little bit later, Deans phone rang.

   I thought you weren't supposed to get or take calls on a plane? You know what, they know more than me about this kind of stuff, I'm sure.

  He gave his brothers a look before disappearing to the back of the jet.

All I heard were whispers before he turned himself around the corner, his hand clutching his phone so whoever was on the other line didn't hear anything.

    "Headphones." Was all he said.

Apparently Damon knew what to do because the next thing I knew, there was a pair of wireless red beats, and a red iPhone in front of me. I was assuming they were both Damon's.

  "Put these on real quick, and play whatever music you want."

  I hesitantly put on the headphones and scrolled until I found classical music. The volume was already loud as Bach blasted through my ears.

  I couldn't hear anything at all, but I was ok with it.

Classic music is my guilty pleasure after all.

I saw Dean peer at me from around the corner before he quickly disappeared again.

  Why did they have me put on headphones anyways?

I found myself slightly relaxing with the music playing.

  I looked out the window.

The sun was just rising. Not enough to have sun shining through, but enough to make it a little less dark.

  I couldn't believe that only a few hours ago, I was sound asleep. Never even considering that I would be on a private jet, with people who claim are my brothers, on our way to northern New York.

  Darkness slowly consumed me as I rested my arm on the window sill next to me.

  I was almost completely out when I felt the headphones being removed gently from my ears.

  I was too tired to even question who it was.

"Who would have thought that she listened to Bach?"

   Was the last thing I heard before I was pulled into the comforting abyss of sleep.

How long have I been out for?

I opened my eyes slightly.

  I saw sunlight coming through the windows.

It was then I heard slight snoring.

   The four brothers were knocked out.

Axel had his legs resting dangerously close to Vincent's face. Vincent was, of course, lying directly under his legs.

Dean was somehow upside down, and Damon was somehow balancing himself on the other three.

That's talent right there.

It was then I noticed I had a very big couch to myself.

I would have moved to the empty chair to give them more space.

These people were the only ones who actually gave me a lot of space.

They are men who have given me a lot of space.

And I'm not as scared of them as I am the others.

What the heck is happening?

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