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This song suits this entire book so well ^^


I knew the moment I woke up in a bed, I was in trouble.

The unpainted walls were all the same, as well as the feeling of danger looming in the cold, damp air.

I would prefer my own bed, in the big house I shared with my brothers.

But it was my old bed. The one that I had spent years crying in.

The one I really had never missed.

The one where I was sleeping, the night I met my family.

I was in Mr. Trents house again.

I jumped up, causing me to stumble a bit as blood rushed to my head.

My eyes took a pretty long time to adjust to everything, between the now spinning room and my body feeling like I fell out of a moving car.

How did I get here?

The windows were now tinted, causing minimal light to shine through the room. There were dark curtains, and to be honest, it smelled like a dead animal. What the heck?

I jumped as the door was slammed open.

"Ah Lana. I see you have woken up."

His hair, his eyes. They were all the same. Forever unchanging, much like his soul after he sold it.

Damien Woodruff.

Have you ever met someone that immediately made you want to either burn a house down, or start crying?

"W-what do you want?" I tried to be as calm as humanly possible, which I thought I was doing a pretty good job considering the circumstance.

"Oh come now. What would you think Lana?" He led me on.

"H-How did I get here?" The simple sound of his voice. The way it echoed through the empty room, and the way it automatically made me want to cower back.

"Did you honestly think I wouldn't be able to? I made friends in jail, you know."

I began to walk back towards the wall.

"You see, I had Erica drug you guys while you were all sleeping. The spearmint in the pillow was just to throw you guys off a bit. To think I was too scared to do anything myself. I had her put some chloroform in the vents. Just a soaked cloth. The air did the rest." He laughed without any emotion.

"Your brothers and you, were way to out of it. None of you even noticed that you were being carried out."

"W-where is E-Erica?" I stumbled over my words as I grew more worried.

I don't really think I was scared for my own life.

I was scared for my brothers.

Are they ok?

What if she's with them?

He pointed to my old closet. "Strangled her. It was either me, or, well, me."


S-shes- theres a body in here?!

"I must say, you look a hell of a lot different." He began to circle me.


"More mature. More beautiful. I could have only hoped Aria would have turned out to have the same looks on you."

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