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I can do this. I can do this.

A girl in a black dress was staring right back at me through the mirror, with the cross around her neck on full display.

Her hair was in a half up half down style, and she herself looked like she was ready to pass out.

I can't do this.

"You ready Lana?" Someone knocked on the door.

"Uh, yeah." I responded as I grabbed a knee length black cardigan, putting it on as I walked out.

"I hate this stupid tie." Damon groaned.

"I'm sure it hates you too." Axel told him, which earned himself a pretty good glare.

"What's the problem now?"

"This tie itches, and Axel is an idiot."

"Nothing we didn't already know."


"Don't leave her side. Don't let her out of your sight. Don't let her see the security that will be around us at all times."

Those were the three rules Dean had set, and he wasn't making exceptions anytime soon.

All four of her brothers could clearly see that she was not only unhappy about having to attend this funeral, but also that she was anxiety ridden over it too.

"What if too many people crowd me? What if I'm surrounded by too many men?" She thought.

They felt awful for putting her through this, but they would have felt unspeakable things if something had gone wrong will she was alone in a hotel room, even with an army outside the door, ready to kill anyone who got too close.

The car ride was silent. The four brothers sharing looks, and their baby sister looking out of the window, staring at the orange and red leaves that had fallen on the roads of southern New York.

    "Why is it snowing back at the house, and not here at all?" She wondered.

She was trying to not think about where she was going. It helped her, in a way.

   But not enough.

In a few short minutes, they pulled up to an elegant Catholic Church, surrounded by what looked like hundreds of people.

The sky was grey, and it looked like it was about to rain.

And with everyone dressed in black, it looked like a funeral out of a movie.

The mournful people watched closely as the car door opened, revealing the oldest Vinati brother.

He gave a couple small nods here and there, but gained most of his attention from the women. Of course.

Second came Axel, who gained the attention of both men, and women.
He did nothing but bask in the attention.

They were expecting another brother to be the third to come out, but were surprised to see a young lady.

They were shocked enough to just stop and stare at her.

But, it wasn't in a rude way, intentionally, at all.

With her long, rare colored hair,her beautiful skin, and her warm eyes, they couldn't help themselves.

They could see the same cross around her neck that the brothers had too.

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