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  I am definitely not looking forward to this.

I had just finished packing for the two days we would be gone for.

Now, why do I have a bad feeling about this?

A knock came from my door.

"You ready?" Damon asked.

I hesitantly nodded my head and followed him to the drive way.

   It's just two days.

Damon took my bag from me and put it in the trunk, where all the other bags were already placed.

   The other brothers walked out right behind us, clad in suits as usual.

  "You ready Little Lana?" Asked Dean.

He gently put a scarf around my neck before doing the same for himself.

I nodded and slid into the spacious car.

It's just two days.

"Freedom at last." Axel groaned as we got out of the car.

   It was an hour and a half drive.

"Chill man, it wasn't that bad." Vincent said to him.

  "You didn't have to sit next to Damon. All he did was complain. The entire time."

   "Thanks dude. I'm really feeling the love."

Dean chuckled in the background as he unloaded the car.

   I took a moment to stare at the huge building before me.

This is our hotel?

Place was elegant, and big.

Kinda scary if you ask me.

"You ready neonata?" The sound of Vincent's voice cut me off.

I turned to see him holding the both of our bags.

I quickly nodded and followed after them.

The inside was about as fancy looking as the first class hall in Titanic.

"Woah." I said out loud.

"Is it just me, or does this place look...fancy yet perseguitato?" Asked Axel.

  "Yeah, me too." I whispered to him.

  "Ok, that's good."

The large number of people in the hotel were mostly stopping and staring at the brothers.

I wonder how often this happens?

"Alright." Dean said, tossing the car keys in the air before catching them.

  "We got two rooms. Me, Vincent and Lana in one, and Damon and Axel in the other."

  "Ah, no fair! How come you get to have Lana? You're gonna stick me with this idiot?"

  "Yes, because we called it before hand." Dean responded with a slight smile.

"So not fair."

"You should have called it before we did." Said Vincent.

"Anyways, we are on the fourth floor, and you guys are on the third."

We made our way to the elevator just in time to catch one that looked empty, except for one guy.

   At least it's just one.

"Hold the elevator!" Yelled Damon as he caught the door.

We got on quickly and pressed the buttons.

It was when it started, when the one guy on there looked up from his phone.

  His eyes widened as he did a double take.

"Hot damn." He said.

   Why can't I control these stupid flinches?

I felt the remainder men tense up.

  "There's a lady on the bus. Have some respect." Said Damon.

He chuckled. "Come on man. It's just a word. No one cares."

Does he have a death wish?

I looked up to see literally all of the brothers glaring at him, but he was to busy on his phone to notice.

  The sound of a ding came from the elevator.

   The door opened, and the rude guy stepped off.

  "You know what? We will take the stairs." Axel said as he and Damon got off after him.

     That can't be good.

As soon as the door was open, Vincent threw himself onto the couch.

   "Classy." Dean noted.

I myself say down on a comfortable looking cushioned chair.

  Someone's phone started to ring.

Dean looked down and accepted the call.

"Yes?" He started.

The longer he was on the phone, the harder his jaw set.

  "I'll be there in a second."

I'm pretty sure that means something about Axel and Damon.

"I'm just going to step out real quick. Vincent, don't open the door."

"Are you really assuming that I wouldn't know when to open a door?"

  "Well, Lana is smart enough not to." He said as he closed the door behind him.

           Probably true.

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