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"There's still a month left. It's not even a big deal." I tried to reason with the four men who were following me around like lost dogs.

"Not a big deal? Lana, it's your seventeenth birthday!" Damon attempted to get me to say something.

"It's a month away guys." I groaned for the billionth time.

"Please, when I turned seventeen, I was for at least six months. I remember it like it was yesterday-," Axel received a look from the others. "Yeah, anyways I'll tell you what happened on your twenty first birthday." He quickly finished his story.

"You know, a normal seventeen year old would want to do something crazy. Like get their nose pierced. Just like your big brother." Vincent smiled as he wrapped an arm around Deans shoulder.

No way.

"You got your nose pierced?" I asked incredulously.

"Vince, learn about times and places." He glared at Vincent.

"I did. You were seventeen, and-,"

"Alright. Back to the task at hand, Lana you can't just do nothing on your birthday." He changed the subject.

"I see your point, I honestly really do. But what if I want to do nothing?"

"Oh my god. Axel, stay away from her!"

"What, you think I taught her that?!"

"You're the only person who could've!"

"Says who? Maybe we just got the same sass gene."

"Yeah well you're a lost cause for sass, she's still got a chance."

"Nah. It runs deep."

"I'm still here." I pointed out. "Anyways, did you guys ever line up the new housekeepers?"

"Yes little Miss Responsible. Ones on their way over now."

Of course, the idea of allowing Kristen back here was... short lived.

Once we heard about why she did it, we understood the situation a bit more.

As of now, her, her daughter and her grandson were somewhere in Maine.

And her husband was... well I'm not sure.

I just know he's not with them.

"Good. Maybe I won't have to be the one to have to clean up after Damon when he sleep eats." I eyed him.

"Hey! It's a medical marvel!" He defended himself.

Yeah. Sure. It's something alright.

There was a knock at the door.

  "I'll get it. Everyone go sit in the office." Dean managed all of us.

   "Damon, you're way too close to me."

"No, you're too close to me."

   "How do I get blamed for teaching her these things?" He mumbled to himself.

   Soon enough, Dean came walking back with an older man, who was holding a brief case.

   "Hello! My name is Bill!" He said in a British accent before shaking all of our hands one by one.

  Yeah. I can do that now.

"Can we keep him?" Axel asked Dean as soon as he heard the accent.

    "So Bill, What brings you here?" He began, completely ignoring our brother.

   "Well, my husband is a pilot. He's always traveling and I hate being alone, honestly."


"Dean!" Axel practically begged.

   "Do you have any experience with things like this?" He ignored him again.

"Why I most certainly do." Bill began to pull out a file from his case.

   He handed it to Dean.

"You went to Oxford?" Vincent asked, seemingly intrigued.

   "Ah yes. Ages ago, but I remember those days like it was just last week." He chuckled to himself.

  It seemed like Axel was about to explode.

"And I suppose you're fine with our... situation?" Dean asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

   Almost forgot about that part.

"Certainly! If you see under my recommendations, I've worked for a finicky similar to this one."

  "You worked for the Lescas?" Vincent asked as he snatched the file from Deans hands.

  "Are you familiar with them?"

"Yeah, Gino and I go pretty far back. How are they?"

  "They are wonderful! Mrs. Lesca and I have tea every once in a while. According to her, Gino is now an uncle." He winked.

   I have no idea who these people are.

"Really? Wow, I never thought he would settle down."

   "Quite a shock to us all."

The amount of confusion I am bearing right now is inexplicable.

  "Bill, do you mind giving us a moment." Dean asked politely.

    "Of course." He stood up, and stepped out of the slightly crowded room.

   "Alright," Dean stood up. "All in favor?"

We, of course, all raised our hands.

  "He went to Oxford. Oxford." I repeated.

What? It's Oxford!

   "He could be my wingman!" Axel gave his reason.

   "It's always good to know a mutual family." Vincent pointed out.

  We all turned to Damon.

"What? Oh. I'm not going to lie, I kind of blacked during the entire thing." He scratched his neck.

   "Oh my god." Axel groaned.

"I'll get him." Vincent volunteered.

    "Really?" Dean eyed Damon.

"What? I'm exhausted! I was sleep eating again last night."

    "Bill! You've got the job!" Axel announced before he even put one foot through the door.

  "Wonderful! When do I start?"

"How's Monday?"

   "That will be lovely. I have one, small question. Are you guys brothers and sister? Or perhaps cousins?"

  I chuckled before taking the liberty to answer this one.

   "We're all siblings. Old and New."

And thus ends, Old and New.

   Ugh guys!

This has been awesome, really. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

    To be honest with you, I'm already thinking of new book ideas, so be on the look out ;)

     Remember to stay inside and wash your hands!

I love you all so much.


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