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And just one last touch.

We had gotten back just a bit ago from the freezing weather.

The day was... interesting, to say the least.

But, that's a story for a different day.

I'm assuming the brothers, and Erica, were trying to defrost somewhere.

"And done." I said to myself as I finished the large painting on my wall.

I stepped back and admired it.

Huh. Not bad.

"Nice painting."

The voice coming from behind me made me jump.

"Thanks." I said hesitantly to Erica, who was smiling.

She's playing nice?


"What are you doing in here, Erica?" The sound of Deans voice sounded through the room.

His jaw was clenched, and he was as still as the dead.

It was pretty easy to tell that he was holding back.

"Oh, calm down, Capo! I was just complementing her lovely wall!"

"Capo?" I asked.

Dean was mad. Scarily mad.

He cleared his throat, and took a deep breath.

What did she mean when she called him Capo?

"We are having a family meeting in the dining room, Lana." His eyes softened as he spoke to me.

I slowly nodded before heading into the bathroom to wash the paint off my hands.

   What was that all about?

I went down to the large dining room.

Everyone was there except for Axel and Dean.

"Cosa diavolo ci fa lei qui?" Damon said to Vincent, glaring at Erica as he said it.

(What the hell is she doing here?)

I cringed at the swear.


   They speak Italian?

I remember quite a bit back from middle school, when the only foreign language they had was Italian, for some reason.

Vincent just shook his head shrugged.

  "I hope that was something along the lines of calling me pretty." Erica responded glaring right back at him.

  "Come avrei mai fatto."

  (Like I would ever.)

That was a burn.

  Damon jolted as a smack came onto the back of his head.

  "Don't say that in front of Lana." Dean scolded as he told Axel to sit down and stop complaining about not being warm.

  "I don't think she knows what I just said." Defended Damon.

"Si l'ho fatto."

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