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This room was horrible.

With its florescent lighting, and it's freezing temperature, it was near impossible to not hate it.

   "Lana, your brothers are here." My new officer walked into the room.

All I knew was that his last name was Montgomery, but there was something about him that I liked.

   He had green eyes and a full head of pitch black hair.

  When you first look at him, he's kind of scary.

But in the hour I've known him for, he seemed more sassy than anything.

    Yeah. He's perfect for Axel.

Too bad ones a cop and the other runs some of the mafia.

"A-are you sure it's them?" I asked cautiously.

    "Oh come on Lana! You know it wouldn't be anyone else." Two men came out from behind where Montgomery was standing.

    They weren't who we were all hoping for.

"Let's go home." Damien nudged me, putting on a good act.

   I didn't know what to do.

I had two options. Either go with them, and pray for just a severe beating. You know, one that would just knock me out cold so I wouldn't have to feel anything.

   Or, I could say that they were not my brothers.

Then again, Ryan would take out the gun hidden in his waistband, shoot every officer in the building, and take me regardless.

   I shouldn't be having to think this hard.

"Y-yeah." I said before I could stop myself and actually work out each possibility in my head.

   Jeez Lana. Why must you be like this?

"Great, let me just get..."

I blocked out Montgomery's voice. I knew I had to run, but I also knew of my chances of getting caught.

  I noticed that there was a baton in his holster.

Don't be stupid Lana-

I quickly grabbed it, causing the three of them to face me.

   "You do realize that can get you time in j-,"

I swung it back, and crashed it into Damiens nose.

   Oh that is so broken.

"Damn it!" Ryan yelled before tackling me to the ground.

    I groaned as I tried to push him off of me.

All of the sudden, he stopped. And his body began to twitch as he rolled over.

  There stood Montgomery, holding a taser in his hand, the small gun looking object with some wire coming out of it.

   Did he really tase him?

I, however, didn't spare a moment.

I got up, and ran.


"This better be the right place." Vincent muttered under his breath as we were about to pull up to the building.

   The station was small, to say the least.

For an area with such high crime, anyway.

  "Are you sure this is the right place?" Axel asked.

  I shrugged.

"This is where she told-,"

It was a blur.

  The station door swung open, revealing a small, dark haired blur.

  They were running fast.

As they were getting further away, a police officer ran out.

  He must have yelled their name, because person peered over their shoulder for a split second.


The police officer ran after her.

Yeah. Her.

  I didn't even explain before jumping out of the barely moving vehicle.

  "Dean!" I heard Vincent call after me.

I could not stop.

I would not stop.

"Sir, you are interfering with a federal case!" The officer yelled as I ran ahead of him.

    This made Lana look over her shoulder again.

  She furrowed her eyes before continuing to run.

  She can't recognize me?

Why the hell would she not-

Oh right.

   I should have shaved.

I was getting closer to her.


She didn't stop.

   I guess I'll just have to tell her sorry later.

Gaining speed, I was just a foot behind her before grabbing the back of whatever jacket she was wearing.

   I pulled her into me before throwing the both of us down.

"Let me go!" She yelled as she tried to get up.

"Where did you learn how to run like that?" I asked breathlessly as I lifted up my arm so she could at least breathe a little bit.

    She took her chance to get up, but stopped herself from running when she actually took a good look at me.

   She brought a hand to my face, tilting it a few ways.

   A sat up once she took it away.

"I'm thinking I should possibly sign you up for a track team because you never know what scholarships you could get with- Ah!" I yelled as she tackled me back down.

     Who knew my baby sister could tackle a grown ass man just with a hug?

   Because I sure as hell didn't.

"You really need to shave." She said as I felt my shirt begin to grow wet.

    "Yeah. I know." I responded as I hugged her tightly. 

   "I broke someone's nose." She sniffled.

"I'm sure Axel will be proud to hear that. What'd you use? A chair?"

     She shook her head. "I-I kind of s-stole a police officers baton." She sobbed.

   Proud mafia brother moment.

"Alright. It's not important right now."




Finally. I thought he would be here way before me.

"Was it by any chance it was his baton?" I whispered in her ear.



   I could see the rest of the Vinatis right behind him.

  Once they saw who I was with, they practically pushed down the cop.

  I had to hold myself back from taking her back when they ripped her away from me.

     I'm the oldest. And I still have to share?

What the hell was the point of even being born first then?

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