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  "I don't remember it being this old looking."

"That doesn't matter now. We just need to get in, get Lana and then get out."

"Oh I cannot wait until we walk in." Axel excitedly laughed as he strapped on his vest.

   "Let's go." I ordered as I opened the door.

I was hungover, angry, and tired.

  We are doing this now.

"Who the fu-," One of their men walked out of the door.

  My gun cut off his sentence.

As soon as the weapon made a single sound, there were men at the windows, doors, and even around the house.

  Makes this a hell of a lot harder, but a hell of a lot more worth it.


"Where the hell could she be?!"

"No sign of Damien or Ryan."

I wanted to burn the house down. I wanted to watch it it dissipate into a billion pieces of ash.

  I wanted to watch it go up in smoke.

In dark, grey, throat burning, lung aching, satisfying smoke.

  "S-she ran." A survivor pushed himself on the bloodied wall.


I brought the gun to his temple.

  "Woah woah woah! Hold on hold on!" He raised his hands in defense.

   "Where did she go?" I pressed it harder into his head.

  "I-I don't know! I don't know!"

I began to count down from five.

"I swear I-,"




"She ran into the woods! We tried to catch her but she was too fast!"

  I gave him an odd look.

"You couldn't catch a sixteen year old, presumably broken and in pain child?"


"Times up!" Axel yelled as he shot him in the head, putting him out of his misery.

  The remainder of us stared at him.

He shrugged. "What? I have the right to be pissed off too you know."

  Fair point.

"He said she ran into the woods." I paced the hallway we were situated in.

    I caught sight of my reflection.

I really need to shave.

"Call in more people. We will have them cover everything. I want everyone on this."

   "What do you want us to with all of this until then?" Vincent asked, motioning towards the bodies that littered the floor.

  I ran a hand through my slightly over grown hair.

  "Let's just torch it." I came to the conclusion.

"Finally, it's my time to shine." Damon rubbed his hands excitedly.

   "Please don't tell me-,"

"Yeah." He cut Axel off. 


"This is probably the only good time you've ever brought a damn gallon of kerosene on a family outing." I told Damon as I slid on some sunglasses. "The last time you brought one, you ended up setting an entire box full of drugs on fire."

  "I just want to let the three of you know, that I definitely did not do that on accident."

"We know." The three of us said simultaneously.

  "Holy shit!" I heard someone yell at the same time I heard cars pulling up.

  Good. Backups here.

"Listen up!" I yelled as I tried to ignore the surplus of smoke burning my nose.

   "We've got a fuck ton of woods to cover! We don't stop until our sister is brought back safely! Understood?"

   "Yes Capo!"


  "Kid. You need to tell us who you are."

"I can't."

I was only able to last a few days with no sleep, and on top of that I was still in a lot of pain.

Apparently, I was passed out by a small lake, where, luckily, a lot of people in this town swim in.

The police officer rolled her eyes for possibly the millionth time since they found me yesterday.

  "And why is that? Are you scared? Are you... uncertain?"

I sighed and wrapped the blanket around me tighter.

  "Look, I appreciate you trying to understand a little bit more, but I can't tell you. Not until either one or all of my brothers are here."

   "Ok, great." She sat down in front of me. "You've got family. Maybe if you tell us their names, we could notify them." She tried again.

  I shook my head. "I'm sorry. I can't."

"Alright look, if not them, then-,"

I blocked her out for a second.

  Maybe I don't need to tell her about the brothers.


"There's one person you can try to get a hold of." I interrupted her.

  That perked her interests.

"Who are you talking about?" She asked quickly.

   "W-we had a... house maid."

"What what was their name? Do they live near by? Do they know you are missing?" She bombarded me with questions.

  "No. She lives in New York. Well, she did. I can only assume she hasn't moved in the past, what? Two weeks?"

  "Right. And what about the entire missing child case we've got going on here." She pointed between the two of us.

   "She uh- my family and I are kind of on rocky terms with her."





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