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Kristen was showing me around the house while the brothers said they had business to take care of, and that they would be back by dinner.

I guess I can't keep calling them the brothers.

Now, they are my brothers.

Yeah, it's still weird for me too.

  "Now, you and your brothers rooms are on this floor." Kristen explained as we walked up the stairs to the second floor, after a very big mansion tour.

   It was a very long hallway with four doors on one side, and four on the other. Each side at to have been at least nine feet apart from the other.

She led me to the second door on the left.

"This is Axels."

She traveled to the door directly across from it.

"Over hear is Damon's."

She went to the door right next to Damon's.

"Vinny is over here." She said, referring to Vincent's I'm guessing.

"And this one is yours." She said kindly, opening the door right across from Vincent's.

I was met with dark wooden floors, and maroon walls with white trimming.

A queen sized bed sat in the middle of the wall directly across the door.

To the right of the door was a small fire place and very comfortable looking chairs surrounding it.

I looked around to see a closet right next to what appeared to be the bathroom.



I heard Kristen chuckle before walking up next to me.

"Your room is right between Axels and Deans, so if you need anything in the middle of the night, they will be the closest."

I don't think I would ever be able to wake someone up in the middle of the night for something like that.

"Thank you." I said to Kristen gratefully.

"It's no problem sugar, I'll bring you some dinner later. You're brothers said you would probably take a bit to get comfortable, but just know we are so incredibly happy to have you here." She said, giving me a big and warm hug.

   I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you." I said as she pulled back.

  "It's no problem sweetheart. Let me know if you need anything baby." She responded as she walked, closing the door behind her.

I took the time I had to look around the room.

  My eyes settled on the ever so comfortable looking chair I was focused on earlier.

   This would be the perfect spot to read something.

I knew I should be unpacking, but I couldn't resist.

  I went to my school bag and grabbed the book I had been reading for a while because of school.

  Even though I wasn't at the schools that was making me read it, I had gotten far to into it.

   I settled in the chair with a pencil, and opened Romeo and Juliet.

Since the copy was mine, I was always writing things inside.

  A habit I picked up from a woman from the old orphanage who taught me how to read.


  I shuddered thinking about that place.

But for now, I was focused on my book.

     "Lana?" The sound of Kristens voice unexpectedly pulled me out of the page I was reading.

  I gasped.

"Sorry sugar, I thought you heard me come in!" She explained with a chuckle.

   "Oh no, it's my fault. Sometimes I get so into things, that I hardly know what's going on around me.

   "Don't worry sweetheart, it happens to the best of us." She responded with a wink.

  I laughed at that while she explained when it happens to her. Apparently, she can get very into anything and everything, while the same thing happens to her.

    This was the first time in, well, it had to have been years since I enjoyed talking to someone.


      And I hope I don't have to go that long without it again.

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