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   When you go to sleep, you don't expect to have a nightmare.

It just happens.

I felt like I was drowning.

It was almost pitch black.

I couldn't wake up from this awful, unconscious torture.

My lungs burned from trying to breath in the dark, murky water.

  My limbs aching, trying to swim up from the unclear abyss.

     It's just a dream. "Wake up!"

I couldn't get out of my own mind. "Wake up!"

I knew I was not going to make it. I couldn't have.


        "Wake up!"

It seemed like breathing was useless. It wouldn't work anyways. What's happening to me?

    "Lana wake up!"

My eyes widened as I woke up front that dream.

   Only to realize it really wasn't a dream.

I could smell the awful stench of mint.


"Why do you have hives all over you Lana? We could hear you coughing from downstairs."

   I have to warn them.

"Get out." I rasped as I jumped out of bed myself.

    "What do you mean Lana? What's wrong? Are you sick?"

"Spearmint!" I yelled a single word.

I was at my window in an instant, opening it up to get fresh air, making me feel a hundred times better.

   My four brothers were in my bed, and around my room, checking everything. They didn't seem to be making any progress.

   I knew they could smell it too, because they all began to have the same symptoms I was enduring.

   "Fresh air helps." I hinted them out.

They walked over to me and began to take in the cool air too.

   "Where could it be? How would spearmint get in here?" Damon asked.

  Axel began taking off his shirt.

"Why are you getting naked? It's definitely not the time." Vincent fussed at him for it.

"I'm not getting naked you little-," he paused before looking at me. "Dog." He finished curtly.

   "Lana, cover your face with this, and get out of the room." He continued as he handed me his shirt.

   "Are you crazy? The four of you need to leave too."

  "We can just hold our breath. You, however can't. We need to find wherever that stupid spearmint is."

     These boys are completely and utterly crazy.

I didn't move an inch for a few moments. Once I saw that there was no loop hole, I gave up.

   "Go Lan. It'll be ok. We will be down in five minutes tops." Dean reassured.

I stood there, unconvinced for a few seconds.


"Yes Lana?"

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