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No one told us that losing a sibling, would slightly mirror that of the heart ache and pain of losing a child.

Damon, for example, wouldn't leave the gym if we were home.

Axel was out every night, and wouldn't come home until the early hours of the morning, after doing god knows what.

I, personally, found comfort in looking at things I know she would love.

From books, to paintings, to blankets.

And she would get absolutely all of it the moment we got her back.

We had to get her back.

I need to stay positive. Because we will get her back. There's no other way.

However, Dean was another story.

We were all used to him being a level headed, calm, older brother. That was the usual. We had years and years to get used to it.

But Dean wasn't Dean anymore.

If anyone was even seeing him at all, he had a drink in his hand.

His hair was was slightly grown out and messy. His face no longer clean shaven, and it was instead dark stubble.

His eyes were now always bloodshot, probably from lack of sleep and the surplus of stress.

He was loosing weight.

He was a mess.

And we all knew it was because he blamed himself the most.

  "Shit. Vincent, it's happening again!" I heard Damon yell from upstairs.


"Dean." I tried to speak in a calm manner as Damon, Axel and I watched from the doorway of Lanas room.

  "Shut up!" A glass went sailing past my head.

He was drunk. Really drunk.

  "This isn't going to help us. You know that."

He began to laugh. "You know what else I know? It's been two weeks. Two fucking weeks!"


"No! Don't Dean me! She's our sister, and we lost her! What do you think I should do? Tell me! Because that's all we seem to be doing. Telling each other things."

  "We've got everyone out there."

"Yeah, well that's not enough."

Drunk Dean was a stubborn Dean.

  He then proceeded to throw a chair at the window, causing the glass to shatter into jagged pieces.

   "You here me?!" He yelled out of it. "Come on ass holes! Come do something!"

He stumbled onto her unoccupied bed.

"I don't have time for this." Axel rolled his eyes and began to walk away from the scene unfolding in front of him.

   Oh hell no.

"Damn it Axel, we should all be under the same roof for as long as this is happening. God forbid that you actually stay at the house for a night." I snapped at him.

Yeah. Even I was beginning to grow tired of this. All of this.

  He had a bored look on his face, but his red eyes told another story.

  "And what's the point of that Vincent? Us staying here won't bring her back to this house."

  "Listen, we are a family, and a family doesn't give up on one of their own. Got it?"


"What's the point?!  She could be dead! She could be gone forever!"


"I'm sick and tired of that attitude of yours man! Do you honestly think that any of us want to think about what the hell kind of state she's in right now?"

  "Oh please. Don't act like she's ok. Don't act like it's not our faults that she's gone!"

  "Guys!" Dean yelled loudly.


  "How long has this been here?" He slurred a bit as he pointed to the head board.

  How much has he had?

"What are you-," I stopped as soon as I saw something carved into the wooden board.


  It was the letter T.

That's it. Clear as day, the letter stood out.

  I began to think about it.

We had already established that when Lana was taken, she had to have been asleep, or else she would have made noise.

  And that was not there before she was gone.

Is it a hint?

"Why the hell would that be in a headboard?" Dean began to sober up.

  "You know as well as I do." I answered.

"Wait, do you guys think someone left it for us?" Damon asked, finally making some sound.

  "Well, we know it couldn't have been Lana, or else that would mean she was awake enough to carve something into her bed, and then not yell for one of us to help."

  "Unless someone who was on our side was the one who did it." Axel seemed a little bit more calmed down.

  "Ericas father hasn't seen her in a while. He called and asked about her earlier."

We knew that she probably lied to us, but I didn't tell him that.

  "But why would Erica help kidnap Lana, just to turn her back on them?"

I shrugged. "Maybe she wasn't completely lying to us." I hypothesized.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, think about it. What if she didn't just double cross us? What if she lied to us and whoever she was working for?"

"It's plausible." Damon pondered.

"Oh, big words." Axel said sarcastically, which in return got him an eye roll from Damon.

That's good. That's really good.

That meant that he had hope.

"But what does the T stand for?"

"Tyler! No, T-Trey!" Dean almost fell as he stood.

"No, it wasn't that either. It was-,"

He was racking his brain for it as he leaned against Lanas painted wall.

He stopped, and stared at it for a few moments.

"Trent." He whispered.



"Shit. We have to go now." He caught himself from falling.

"Woah, take it-,"

"Vincent, if you tell me to take it easy I don't know what I'll do in my drunk ass state."


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