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  Kristen had been working for the Vinati family for almost thirty years.

So, what made her go against them?

Did any of this make sense?

She treated all of those children as if they were her own. As if, she herself created them with her bare hands, and presented them to the world.

  But why would she put their lives in jeopardy?

It's simple. She needed money.

She wanted to leave her husband.

What was shown earlier, you know, when Dean punched him, made Kristin smile.

  Her husband was a bad man.

Her arms were growing tired as she folded fabric after fabric.

  As soon as they came back with Lana, she was gone.

  She would take her daughter and grandson, and leave.

They didn't know where they were going, but they were going.

   Her phone began to ring.

She jumped, making her drop the current sheet she was folding.

   "Kristen, answer that fucking phone!" Her husband yelled from the couch.

  Grabbing it quickly, she answered it.

"Is this Kristen?" A woman asked.

"Y-yes. How may I help you?" She asked, confused.

  "I'm calling in regards to a... Lana. She won't give us a last name."

  "Lana? They have Lana?" She thought.

"Yes, yes I know Lana. Why do you have her?"

    "It's a long story ma'am. We need you to cooperate with us. We need you to call her brothers. Can you do that?" The woman spoke solemnly.

  "Do I have a chance to regain their trust?"

"Of course! Of course! Where are you?"

"Thank you ma'am. We appreciate this. Really. You can find us in Pick, Washington. It's a small town, you can't miss us. Just go straight to the station. I look forward to hearing back." The officer on the phone hung up.

  "Who was that?" Her husband slammed the door open.

  She thought quick. "Th-the Vinatis. They wanted to know if we could look out for their sister."

He rolled his eyes.

   "Whatever. I need to go to work. Since only one of us actually cares about the bills."

And with that, he was gone.

She picked up the phone again.

  "What?!" The man yelled.

"They have Lana at a police station in Pick, Washington. How long has she been gone for?" She asked.

   The man groaned. "Maybe a week. She got Ryan with a screw and ran. Her brothers are in town. They burned down the fucking house."


"Well, I just called to tell you where she was."

   "We will get her. And for the record, you're dead meat if you call this number again. Got it?" He bit harshly.

"Y-yes sir."

He slammed the phone down, causing the connection to break.

She didn't mind though.

She scrolled threw her contacts and dialed again.

   "Yes?" A very tired sounding Dean answered.

"Pick, Washington." She was too excited to even formulate a full sentence.

   "What?" She knew Dean was still mad at her, but his parents raised him right, and he wasn't going to threaten her over the phone.

  "Pick, Washington! That's where Lana is!"

"How do you know?"

"An officer at that town station called and told me that she was there."

   He paused.

"Are you absolutely positive?"

   "Yes, I am one hundred percent sure. But you need to go fast. Damien and Ryan are on their way so-,"

   "Wait, hold on, you called them?!"

"If you get there before they do, then you can take them down, and bring Lana home."

He stayed silent for a few more minutes.

   "Should I trust her? Hasn't she caused enough damage already? What if she's not lying?" A million questions ran threw his head before finally answering.

    "We are going now. I expect you to be telling the truth." He said his final words before hanging up the phone.

  She let out a sigh of relief, and smiled.

This was happening.

It was finally happening.

The Vinatis were about to get their sister back.



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