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  "Come on kid!"

  I was pushed down as I tried to carry the boxes that held god knows what.

  I don't get it. Do the want me to keep moving or not?

It wasn't Damien, this time.

  It was his brother.

Ryan Vega.

Yeah. Damien was out for the next few days because he had "things to take care of."

"Jesus you're fucking useless." He stepped on my back, causing me to groan as it was putting even more pressure in my already bruised ribs.

  It was a painful experience, being back here.

Physically and Mentally.

"Don't worry bitch. I'll make sure to tell your brothers how useless you were when you were still alive." He leaned down, brushing a piece of her from my face.

Nope. Not happening.

"I'm sixteen you pervert." I pushed him off of me before getting up myself.

He rolled his eyes.

"Get this shit picked up!" Ryan tightly gripped my hair, pushing me down again.

  I was hitting breaking point after breaking point.


"Listen you little whore. I own you."

He began to advance towards me.

  "And that means I can do whatever the hell I want to or with you."

  I eyed him carefully.

"My brother has been way to lenient with you." He slammed the door shut.

  "So what?" I wanted to anger him as much.

I guess he shouldn't have closed the both of us up in a room with a window that should be able to open.

  A closed fist came upon my face yet again.

"Got anything new? You've been doing that for the past-,"

  This time, a punch came to my mouth.

I could literally hear my lip split open, and feel the warm blood trickle down.

  "How's that for something new? Huh?" He grabbed me by the jaw.

I spat some blood onto his face.

  "You never learn, do you!?" He slammed me into a mirror hanging of the wall.

  "Apparently not." I knew I was pushing the limit.

He took his chance to throw me onto the hard wooden floor, crawling on top of me.

  "You want pain? Fine!" He threw punch after punch to my already aching face.

  Left. Right. Left. Right.

Suddenly, he stopped.

  "I'm afraid I can't ruin that pretty little face of yours. At least, not yet." I felt his hand travel to the hem of my now dirtied shirt.

  "Get off of me!" I struggled.

"Don't lie. You don't want that."

This is not going how I need it to.

"Come on. Just relax." He attempted to coax.

  I looked around, and saw a nail sticking out of the paint-chipped baseboard.

God forgive me.

I began to shake the nail loose from the wood.

  Once I had it loose, I made myself appear cool and calm.

"That's more-," he didn't get to finish his sentence completely.

  Because I took the nail, and shoved it into his cheek.


I jumped up, and opened the window.

"Get back here!" He looked and sounded like a serial killer.

  I was one leg out before being pulled back in again.

  "You thought it would be that easy?!" His arm was wrapped around my waist.

However, I was quick to elbow him right where the nail was, causing him to let go of me and scream in pain.

  I practically flew out of that window as he yelled for help.

It felt good to have the earth under my feet after not being out in days.

But I didn't have time to enjoy it.

Because I had to run.

  "Get her you idiots!" I could hear Ryan shout as soon as I began to pick up my pace.

Trent's house was pretty much in the woods, so I was lucky in that area.

However, I was really unfortunate when they began to shoot at me.

  Not only did I have to dodge bullets, but I also had to dodge the wooden splinters from the trees, the large roots, and anything sharp since I wasn't wearing any shoes.

  There's a small town a few miles out.


"Jesus Christ she runs like a bitch."

"If she's not here by the time he gets back, we will be dead! Hurry up!"

I didn't care about the insults thrown at me.

I cared about how long I would be able to last.

Though I probably didn't seem like it, I was in a lot of pain.

  A persons body can only take so much.

I knew I had to fight whatever I was feeling, and fight going back to that nightmare.

    Please tell me my brothers are close.

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