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  I've been drawing "The Girl With The Pearl Earring" in my sketch book for a little over an hour.

The flight attendant, whose name was actually Diana, checked up on us periodically.

I took a sip of my water and turned to look at the brothers.

They were still knocked out in the same positions. Turns out they were very still sleepers.

They can't be comfortable.

I wanted to wake them up so they would at least seem more comfortable, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

I never used to be like this.

I thought with a sigh.
I looked down at my sketch book, and began to draw again.

When I had nothing else to do, I would try to recreate famous paintings from memory.

Weird. I know. But what else would I be doing?

I already did her outline, now I was just working on her eyes.

I wonder what time it is?

I felt the plane land smoothly.

Peering through the window, I could see piles of fresh snow.

Wow, they weren't kidding.

Dean was the only one that woke up from the landing.

  His first look was at me, then a look of confusion spread across his face, probably wondering why he was upside down.

   I guess he noticed Damon was partly on him because he playfully glared at his sleeping brother.

  He's got a plan.

Still upside down, he grabbed a glass of half full water from the table in front of them.

  How does his head not hurt?

He slowly brought the glass of water to Damon's face, and then slowly dumped it on him.

  Damon came back to us with a spluttered cough, kicking Axel in the stomach, and Axel elbowing Vincent in the face.

    An annoyed 'Ow" came from Vincent while Dean sat up laughing before clutching his head.

  And there it is.

"Dean, you son of a-," Damon started before looking at me.

  "Bisector." He finished with a glare at his brother.

  I raised an eyebrow at the chosen word.

Wouldn't have guessed geometry was going to be the first non-cuss word to come to him, but I like it. I think.

  "That's what you get for using me as a pillow, Brother."

  "I hope your head feels like you got the odyssey thrown at it."

  "It does."

"Why did you kick me in the stomach?" Asked Axel, of course, after Vincent threw him off.

  "Why don't you ask your brother?" Was Damon's response.

  "We have just landed, your car is waiting with your bags already in the trunk." Diana said with a small smile.

  I looked down to see both of my bags are gone.

  I wonder if she took it while I was asleep the second time.

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