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"Do I have to?"


"I don't like hurting people. I'm a pacifist." I tried again.

  "Look Lan, it's about defending yourself Incase something happens, you know? It'll be super easy and hopefully you won't need to use it anytime soon." Axel tried to calm me down about the situation as he walked me to the gym.

  I didn't even know we had a gym.

"How is this supposed to work? You guys are bigger than me."

   "When it comes to fighting, the size of the person doesn't matter, just how they use their mind." He explained as we walked into the gym.

The three other brothers were already in there.

"Alright Lana, first question." Vincent began as I sat down on one of the many pieces of equipment.

   "Someone hits you for no apparent reason. What do you do?"

  What would I do?

I shrugged. "I don't know. Probably just walk away confused."

  "No. Next question, it's a life or death situation. Someone is hurting you. What do you do then?"

  What are these questions?

"I don't know. Call for one of you?" I tried again.

  "Actually, I'm liking that answer." Dean interfered as he glared at the rest of our brothers.

He had been on the fence about this entire ordeal, not that I could blame him at all.

"And what if we aren't near?" Vincent continued, completely disregarding Deans previous answer.

I shrugged again. "I guess I would try to get this hypothetical person off of me." I don't really know how to answer that question.

  "Ok, perfect. That's not a bad start."

"Well, let's get you started." Damon began as I stood up.

   "So, when someone tries to, let's say punch you, wait until they are fairly close to duck down. It'll make it harder for them." He advised.

  It was only seconds later that it actually looked he was about to punch me, but luckily I ducked down just in time.

  "What was that for?" I asked as I tried to catch my breath.

  "Damon." Dean gave a pretty stiff warning.

"She's got to learn. I don't need my baby sister being unprepared in a time of need." He explained himself.

  "Axel, come help me with this next one."

Axel rolled his eyes, but still complied.

  "So after you duck, you strike back." He shouldn't have picked Axel.

Damon did the same thing with him as he did to me, except after Axel ducked down, he slapped Damon. Called it.

  "I meant for you to try to knock me down Axel, not slap me!"

  He shrugged. "You didn't clarify."

"Ok, you know what, let me take it from here." Vincent jogged onto the mat we were on.

  "Lana, don't listen to these idiots. They can't tell their left arm from their right foot." He warned. "The main thing to do is stay calm. When you have to defend yourself, always make sure you take deep breaths before actually starting your process."


"So I'm going to swing, you duck down, and then try to get me off my feet. Got it?"

  "What if one of us ends up getting hurt?" I tried to back out.

"Never be worried about anyone but yourself, ok?"

Like that's ever going to happen.

  He quickly swung at me, and as I ducked down, I kneed him behind his own knee, which got him down with a groan.

  "Oh my gosh! Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." He rolled over and got up.

  "Proud Mom moment!" I heard Axel yell from behind us.

  "Who taught you how to do that?" Dean asked as he walked up next to me, wearing a clear look of pride.

  I just shrugged again. "He told me to knock him down, so I did."

  "Are you like some sort of crazy, psycho, spy? Because if you are, I'm going to need you to forget a lot of things." Vincent asked with a slight laugh.

  "Nah, I don't think so."

"Ok, good. Ready to go again?"

"Do I have to?"


For the rest of the day, they made we work pretty hard.

You would not believe how many times I tried to use Dean to get me out of it.

I was tired, soar, and hungry afterwards. Of course, none of them were as affected as I was.

  "Who wants pizza?" Damon asked, to which we all raised our hands.

Kristen hadn't been around for the past few days, for obvious reasons, and her daughter and grandson are supposed to get in in just a few days time.

  It was tough not having her around lately, but I understood Deans decision.

He is very protective over his family, and he wasn't trying to risk anything.

  It was a miracle that I was able to stop him from doing anything else.

"Ok, I just ordered like every single thing on their menu because I am starving." Damon walked back into the room.

  "What else is knew?" Axel asked.

"Not your attitude, that's for sure."

And here we go again.

"Thank god you're an idiot, because if you weren't, I wouldn't be able to say anything bad about you in front of you."

  "Ok, what's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you, my dear brother, are vacuous."

   "That's not even a word."

Poor Damon.

"Boys, stop fighting." Vincent ordered.

"He started it!" They both yelled at the same time before going at it again.

   "Lana?" Dean asked.

"I'm on it." I said as I hopped up on the counter next to the sink.

  Since the faucet was a pull out faucet, I turned the water on, and began to spray them with it.

"What was that for?" Axel asked as he spit out some water.

  "It got you to stop arguing." I shrugged.

"He started-," Damon didn't finish his sentence before I began to spray them again.

  What? It would have started another argument.

"Are you guys done?" I asked as I turned it off again.

  "Yes." They said at the same time.

"Cool." I said as I hopped off of the counter.

   "I'm going to go wash the smell of gym and sweat off of me."

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