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  Having a reason to tell your life story, does not happen often.

Well, at least for me it doesn't.

Maybe you are telling your story because your boyfriend or girlfriend wanted to hear it.

Maybe you are sitting in a job interview, being asked about how you became what others know you as now.

Or, maybe you are like me, and passed out when someone's name was mentioned, prompting you to tell your four brothers about the person who's name makes you want to pass out, apparently.

I sincerely hope you are most definitely not like me.

When I woke up, I really had no other choice but to tell them about my life.

About Aria.

About how multiple of us were beaten.

And how only one of us is still alive.

Their faces all went through roller coasters of emotions.

Each grimacing and clenching their jaws at each word.

   Their bodies showed sadness and pity.

But their eyes, their eyes were a completely different story.

If the emotions are strong enough, than someone's eyes will show absolutely everything.

My brothers eyes showed anger and denial, for the most part.

Especially when I told them about me being the reason Damien Woodruff was in jail, and probably the reason he escaped.

I don't think I could ever, or would ever regret waiting until exactly 3:27 in the morning, when he would go to sleep in a drunken stupor, to sneak out of the house we were all boarded in, and running as fast as I could carry my legs to the police station.

  The only thing I could ever see myself regretting in my future was the fact that I didn't do it sooner. I could have saved myself literally years of pain and self sacrifice.

But even still, I knew that I was the only person he hated, who was actually still living.

I'm the only one of his foster children who is still alive. He's got to be coming after me.

"So Aria wasn't attacked in the courtroom?"

"No. She didn't help me go to the cops, so he didn't have a reason to kill her."

"And they didn't put him in a psychiatric facility?"

"Unfortunately, they did not."

The four shared looks before turning back to me.

    "Lana, you're truly an inspiration."



"Inspiration?" I asked.

"You went from basically fighting for your life, every single day, to having to practically rebuild yourself back up." Vincent responded.

  "You really are one of the strongest people we know."

In the midst of all this, Dean was pretty quiet.

I can't tell wether that's bad or good.

"Thank you." I told them sincerely.

I just need to remind myself that more.


I never really had issues with handling my emotions.

When our parents died, sure, it was rough, but I handled it very well.

When I witnessed my first murder, I was scared, but I talked myself through everything, and I ended up being ok.

When I committed my first murder, I cried for maybe an hour, but then I realized that the person I killed had been murdering others for drug money.

But when my sister told me that that bastard, pretty much crushed her windpipe because she put him in jail, I was ready to kill yet again.

So, that's what I'm going to do.

It's a damn miracle she can still even speak.

I was on my second tequila lime when the three other brothers walked in.

I was so pissed, I would have been able to sleep without a drink or three.

"Why are we in here? It's eleven at night." Damon complained.

"Oh, I know that look in his eye." Axel smirked.

"The only reason I can tell what you're thinking is because Axel always has that look in his eye." Vincent chuckled as he sat down in one of the brown leather chairs.

"Do not!"

I gave him a look.

"Ok, yeah, maybe I do."

"And you guys don't want to do what I'm thinking?" I asked them. Of course I knew the answer, I just wanted a confirmation from the three.

"Oh no, we are down for it. But the only issue is that he's a convict on the run. We don't know where he is."

Fair point.

"We are at our strongest in New York. If he's in town, our people will, hopefully, find him before he gets anywhere close to Lana."

"So it's settled then. We kill Damien Woodruff." I concluded.

"Hell yeah."

"Sounds like fun."

"Yeah whatever. Can I go back to bed now?"

I just wish that we had known that Damien Woodruff wasn't his real name, and that it was, in fact, actually Damien Vega. And that he was getting closer to us by the hour.

And that he was also in the mafia.

And that he was brother to Ryan Vega.

But I actually think the one thing I should have known first-

   Is that he that he was currently paying Erica to put spearmint in Lanas pillowcase.

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