Chapter 19

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The next morning, a Tuesday, Novalee is interrupted from her reading to a servant entering the room with a blood bag on a silver platter. Nova smiles as she grabs it, thanks the woman in Greek and watches her bow out of the room.

Novalee drains the blood bag within a second before Demitri walks in. "Demitri," Nova coos as she wipes the blood from the corner of her lips. "What do you want?"

"Aro has returned," Demitri replies. "Come. The kings wish to see you now."

Novalee sighs as she tosses the empty blood bag into the bin beside the useless bed and follows the vampire out. Demitri leads Nova down a few halls before they reach the throne room. Demitri eyes Novalee before he pounds on the steal doors.

"Enter!" Marcus's voice carries as he responds.

Demitri shoves the heavy doors open, which creak as they go wider. Aro watches as Novalee walks in. She's wearing a black cocktail dress with black flats now, her hair is in its natural wavy form and she's not wearing makeup.

"Novalee, hello again," Aro greets as he looks her over. "Was your night peaceful?"

"Yes, sir, it was," Novalee replies.

Aro walks up to her, holding a small safe. "This here holds the thing that will help you and your friend's dreams come true." Aro reaches into the pocket of his black trousers and pulls out a shirt of paper with black writing on it. "This is the code to use to get into it. The cures won't ever go back. When was your friend turned?"


"When she takes it, it will not effect her aging," Aro explains. "She will age like a normal girl. She will be able to have children, and so will you, Novalee."

Novalee hugs Aro, catching him by surprise. Aro eventually placed an arm around her, hugging her back. Caius and Marcus watch blankly, even though Caius is smiling deep, deep down inside.

"Felix will bring you to your plane," Aro says gently. "Have a safe flight, Miss Morningstar."

Novalee smiles before she walks out with Felix, holding the safe close to her.

Once back home on the next Wednesday afternoon, Novalee goes straight to her room. She moves some books around and she hides the small safe behind them. She grabs one of the novels she stole from Jasper and puts the passcode in as a bookmark for safe keeping.

Once that's done, Novalee locks the house up amd goes to her car in the driveway, then drives to La Push. She drives to Sam's instead of Embry's, and finds his truck. Embry is our the door as soon as Paul says he smells a vampire and he runs over as Nova gets out of her car, and he engulfs her in a hug.

"I'm never letting you travel that far again," Embry says.

"I need to talk to you and the pack," Novalee says. "It's important."

"Come on in," Sam says from the porch, having heard her words. "Everyone's here."

Novalee sits on the couch, and she explains the cure to the pack. They all listen wholeheartedly. She talks about the aging process, and everything.

"You're going to be human?" Emily gasps, she's smiling.

"I'm waiting for Rosalie, so we can take them together," Novalee says. "I can't wait!"

"Hell Yeah," Paul chants. "Now you won't reak of vampire."

"Sure she will," Jared muses.

"The Cullens are gone, Jared," Sam says. "You're a Morningstar again, right?"

"Technically, yes,"  Novalee says. "By heart, no, I still consider myself a Cullen. They're my family."

"If they're your family, why'd they leave you behind?" Paul asks from the chair near Sam, making her frown. "Oh, don't he sad. Perk up before your boyfriend murder me."

Novalee snorts in laughter as she looks at Paul, "I'm not sad anymore." She looks at Sam. "Any more pack problems?"

"Jacob's going to be phasing soon," Sam says. "Billy says he's showing signs of it."

"Oh, poor Jacob," Novalee coos. "Sam, could you run the cure to the elders? Because Rosalie and I will he humans."

"I'll run it by them," Sam replies.

"Emma has missed you," Embry says to his girlfriend as the pack separates.

"I've missed my friend, too," Novalee replies.

Embry smiles as he pulls Novalee into his arms. "I'm not letting you go that far without me again."

"The Volturi doesn't know of your existence," Novalee says. "Let's keep it that way for now, please."

Embry nods and rests his head against Novalee's, and he doses off. Paul smirks and Novalee nods, knowing the hothead wants to prank Embry.

"This is going to start a prank war," Jared says. "Sam, and me will end up joining. Quill, too."

"No girls," Paul says. "For safety measures. Vampire or not."

"Sounds smart," Novalee says. "Should I move?"

"Yeah," Paul says as he comes back with whip cream, hot sauce, and feathers.

"I'm not even going to ask," Novalee muses as she vamp speeds and moves to beside Jared on the love seat. "I'm going to miss that speed. But I miss being human more."

Jared shushes her and has her watch Paul's prank.

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