Chapter 7

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Novalee stands in the parking lot of Forks high school as she watches Edward follow Bella into the woods.

"Oh, no," Novalee frowns. "I have a bad feeling about this."

Jasper places a hand on her shoulder amd sighs. "I do, too."

Rosalie glares after the pair before storming inside. Novalee sighs before she hurries after the blonde, Jasper walks in with Alice, and Emmett goes inside, too.

Novalee has calmed Rosalie down, but both are mad because Bella knows the secret now. She knows about vampires. Novalee will be ok with it until Bella asks to be turned, then their friendship will falter big time. Both Novalee and Rosalie envy humans, because both wanted to marry and have children eventually. But now that they're vampires because of horny drunks, they can't.

Novalee draws a dark picture in art, making Alice frown.

Novalee closes her sketchbook when the bell rings, and she hurries out before Alice can stop her

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Novalee closes her sketchbook when the bell rings, and she hurries out before Alice can stop her. The vampire leaves the school and vamp speeds into the woods.

She punches a tree and she weeps, yet no tears fall as venom fills her eyes. Novalee sits on the ground and leans against the tree. She doesn't realize she's in La Push until she hears growling.

When Novalee looks up, she finds Paul's wolf barring his teeth at her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize where I was," Novalee says softly as she stands. "I'll go, sorry."

Paul watches her walk away and he phase. "Wait." He pulls some shorts on and jogs up to her. "Are you okay?" Sam is standing behind a tree listening.

"Bad day," Novalee replies as she looks around, she smells Sam. "I miss being a human."

"I'm sorry?" Paul says, looking confused for what to say. "Will you be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Novalee replies as she walks into Forks, Paul stays on the La Push side. "Thank you."

Paul seems hesitant around Novalee still, but not like the her Cullens. "Take care of yourself, Novalee Cullen." Paul nods her way and he walks away.

Novalee sighs as she leans against a boulder, closing her golden eyes as Sam's wolf retreats as well. Novalee knows she needs to pay attention, and not cross the boarder without permission which probably wouldn't be granted.

The vampire returns home, and goes to her room. She grabs the novel from the night before and finishes it. The others are still on the trip, Novalee's alone.

Carlisle returns home amd he walks upstairs, he finds Novalee I'm her room. "Hey, Nova. You alright? Jasper called, said you left early."

"I was feeling nostalgic, and sad," Novalee replies as she looks up from her novel. "I just couldn't be there anymore. I had to hunt. I keep getting caught up. I was in La Push and didn't realize it until I saw Paul Lahote growling right in front of my face."

Carlisle sits on the small bench type thing at the foot of the bed. "You'll be just fine, Novalee."

"Thank you, Carlisle," Novalee replies. "I sure hope so. I don't like being sad."

"Jasper can help with that," Carlisle offers.

"No," Novalee says. "Jasper and I agreed not to manipulate each other's emotions."

Carlisle pats her knee before he goes to hunt, where Esme just went. Novalee sighs and returns to her book.

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