Chapter 43

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2 months later.

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Novalee and Marcus have been practicing every day for the wedding, for their performance

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Novalee and Marcus have been practicing every day for the wedding, for their performance. When they weren't practicing, Marcus was with Leah and Novalee was with jasper. But every day, they practiced to be to Alice's expectations. Perfection, to be precise, to use Alice's actual word. Alice wants them perfect.

And now, here they are. Marcus is setting the stage up, ready to go. Novalee is sitting at the piano, looking at her son. She's playing a traditional bridal march for Nessie to walk down the isle, then for their first dance will be A Thousand Years part 2, with her son singing with her.

The pack is the first to arrive. Novalee watches as the tanned, buff men walk the backyard of the mansion. Sam looks dashing, Novalee didn't think he could clean up this well. Paul and Beau look splendid, also, and so does Jared and Quill. Brady and Colin look adorable in their suits. They're, like, fourteen?

Novalee tenses when she spits Embry without Jenna. He offers her a smile, Marcus scowls as Novalee refuses to return the smile. Marcus isn't Embry's biggest fan, because Nova told him why the two divorced.

After the wolves, vampires come. Carlisle's friend Vladimir is here, he was reluctant because of the wolves. He came for Renesme and to listen to the music. He was told Novalee was playing. Novalee and Vladimir ones each other when Novalee moved to Italy the first time. He watched her learn the piano those last four years that she was human. From the age fifteen to nineteen, Vladimir listened to Novalee's music. Nova watches as Jacob stands at the front with Sam and Paul.

"Novalee," Alice gushes. "Bridal March."

Novalee smiles at her warmly and she begins playing the bridal march. The French doors open and Edward steps out with a beautiful Renesme. Esme did her hair, and Alice did the makeup. Novalee smiles to herself as she plays and Edward walks her down.

Novalee stops as Alice instructs, and the vows begin. Marcus looks over at Leah. Leah is one of the bridesmaids. She's looking at him, too. But Novalee is staring into Jasper's eyes. He has something planned, but he won't let anything out because Edward will see it and jasper wants to keep his a surprise bevauxe Edward has a big mouth. Remember the time he opened it about Novalee's pregnancy seven years ago?

As they walk to the dance floor, Novalee plays the piano softly while Marcus strums his guitar, and Nova begins to sing. Vladimir stirs in his chair. Eleazar gasps.

"Carlisle," he whispers, "she isn't just an empath anymore."

"What do you mean?" Carlisle asks as Nova sings.

"She's also a siren," Eleazar replies as he watches her work. Lthzts why her voice is so... Hypnotizing." He glances over at Vladimir as Marcus begins to sing. "Watch him... Marcus is a siren, too, like his mother."

Carlisle watches Vladimir stirs in his seat. Jasper is amazed by his mate and son as they play their instruments and sing. Alvin is dancing gracefully with Emmett when the couples join the bride and groom on the dance floor.

Jasper grabs Novalee as they play a radio for the receptiom and he kisses her. Novalee giggles as Jasper nuzzles his face into her neck, thankful she doesn't tempt him to kill her anymore. Marcus smiles before he feels someone wrap their arms around him from behind. He turns and finds Leah. Marcus kisses her forehead and they head off somewhere alone.

Novalee stands in Jasper's arms around front as they see Jacob and Renesme off. Bella is letting them use Isle Esme, their island, as their honeymoon sight. Emma walks over and she hugs her mother and jasper, she doesn't go near Embry. Until he walks over.

"Hey, Nova," Embry greets, he still gets butterflies being even this close to Novalee.

"Hi, Embry," Nova replies.

"You two sounded great up there," Embry compliments, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Where's Jenna?" Novalee asks, marking Marcus laugh from his distance as the limo Alice ordered leaves with the newlyweds.

"Home, she didn't wanna come," Embry replies and he spots Marcus. "I gotta go. Your son's coming."

Marcus walks over and he gives Jasper a look. Jasper grabs Novalee's hand and he leads her back to the crowd as they go back to the backyard. Marcus turns the lights on, the Christmas lights are all through the trees as jasper pulls out s ring box and he kneels on one knee, Embry's heart breaks as Emma's eyes widen in happiness.

"Novalee Morningstar, will you do me the honors by making me the happiest vampire alive and become my wife?" Jasper asks as he reveals a gorgeous ring set.

Novalee nods, venom that'll never fall fills her eyes as she whispers yes, her heart is screaming it. Jasper Alice's the ring on and he hugs Novalee, spinning her a little. Everyone claps,hand wolf whistles before Emmett whisks jasper off to hunt.

"Your getting married in two weeks!" Alice chirps. Leave the decorations up! You're coming to Seattle with me tomorrow! Call Rosalie, she if she and June can come." Alice flashes away.

Sam hugs Novalee. "Congrats."

"Nova!" Jackson exclaims as he runs through the crowd and hugs the vampire, she hugs him back. "Mom wants you to be my and Americus's godmom."

Novalee looks at Sam, who is smirking. "Really?"

"Yes," Sam replies. "We want you to the kids' god mother."

"I would love to," nova says. "I have to call Rosalie." She steps inside and hides in her room, and dials a familiar number.

"Novalee," Rosalie's Happy voice sounds over the phone.

"I'm getting married in two weeks to jasper," nova says. "I would like you to come. I want June to be the flower girl."

"Give Alice my RSVP, weird getting on a plane first thing," Rosalie says and hangs up.

Novalee lets out an excited squeal and she falls back. She is beyond happy. The sun is going down outside. Knowing Rosalie, she will be there by sunrise.

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