Chapter 16

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( pretend the girl in the picture is Novalee)

It's been a little over a week, and Novalee as met Embry in the clearing and at the boarder every single day. They kissed and cuddled and more. Today's the day she meets with Harry at Sam's, Quill Ateara II has finally made up his mind.

Novalee puts on some white lace shorts, a black tank top with a black n white flannel, some combat boots, and her Cullen crest ring. She brushes her wavy hair and walks out the door. She meets Jared at the line in the woods, Embry was at Sam's already.

"Good, you're in wolf form," Novalee smirks, Jared's wolf does too. "Want to race?"

The wolf begs excited and gets in position.

"On three... 1..." Novalee rushes off, Jared howls playfully and races after her.

They race but Novalee Beats him by a long shot vecause of her headstart.

"What happened to 2 and 3?" Jared asks as he exits the woods in the cut off shorts. "That was not a fair race."

Novalee smirks Nd she sees Embry. "Embry!" She flashes over and she hugs him.

"Hey," Embry coos. "Come in."

Harry shakes Novalee's hand and offers a seat beside him. The man in a wheelchair watches her in amazement as she sits on the edge of the couch, between Harry and Billy's wheelchair.

"Nova, this is Billy Black, one of our elders," Sam says. "Billy, this is Novalee, Embry's imprint."

Billy takes her hand and he shakes it, holding it with both hands as he smiles. "It is amazing to meet you."

"You too," Novalee says. "I'm here because Quill II made a decision?"

"Oh, yes, he did," Harry says, he had momentarily forgot. "He said you can come over as you please only if you don't hunt on our land."

"I can hunt in Forks before coming over," Novalee promises. "I have no problem with that."

"I didn't think you would," Harry muses. "Well I better get Billy home before he tries stealing you from Embry."

Billy scoffs. "Please, Harry. That's inappropriate."

"It's true," Sam says wifuba laugh, Embry does too. "You've been staring at Novalee since she got here and not because she's a vampire."

Harry rolls Billy out and Sam sighs in relief.

"Wanna go cliff diving with us?" Paul asks, he's happy now that he has a female who can play round around. "It's fuuun," he sings.

Novalee rolls her eyes. "You didn't have to sing, Lahore. I was going to say yes."


"Do what?" Novalee asks, rising eyebrow,

"My last name's Lahote."

"Is it?" Novalee muses, and Paul grumbles beneath his breath max walks out. "Something I said?"

Jared snorts and he high fives hernand looks at Embry, "I approve."

Embry rolls his eyes before they all get into wolf form outside, and race to the cliffs. Embry easily keeps up with Novalee before they get to the edge.

"Just get tour position, and push off," Jared tells her. "You can jump with me." He said that because Embry jumped right after Sam.

Novalee leans forward, bending her knees. Jared counts to three,band they jump. Nova is laughing the entire way down and then there's a splash in the water as they land. Novalee surfaces, and lets out an excite laugh.

"That was amazing!" She exclaims and sees Bella's truck driving by, her and Jacob inside. "Can I go again?"

"Not yet," Embry says amd drags her toward the rocks and sits in the sand under the cliff while the others go to jump again.

Embry pulls Novalee into his arms and she just lays back, smiling as she snuggles deeper. Paul looks over as he rises to the surface of the ocean again, and smiles. He likes Novalee, even though she's a vampire. He doesn't want to be friends with her yet, he doesn't want to until he can fully trust her.  

Novalee stares at the horizon, and watches as the sun sets.  Embry and her stayed at the beach while the others returned to Sam and Emily's.

"Wanna go to Sam's?" Embry asks.

"I'm gonna go home," Novalee whispers. "I want to read."

Embry nods as they stand, and he kisses her. "I'll see you whenever you come back, my love."

Novalee kisses him and she vamp speeds back to Forks, and Embry goes to Sam's.

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