Chapter 33

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It's been a few weeks, Novalee is still dragging after the miscarriage but she's feeling somewhat better. But honestly, she knows she won't be the same again. It's the last day of August amd she has a funny feeling in her stomach, and it's not sadness. It's worry.

The human goes downstairs in a hurry and grabs the phone, and calls Edward's number.

"Hello?" Bella answers the phone, worried.

"Bella? Bella, what's wrong?" Nova asks frantically as Carlisle comes down.

"I think I might be pregnant."

Novalee hears that word amd her hand finds itself on herself as Carlisle grabs the phone to talk to Bella until Edward snatches the phone from his wife. Nova hasn't seen or talked to the pack since she and Embry lost Cheryl. She's seen Embry, that's all. He's been allowed to cross over, and check on her.

Novalee goes outside and finds Jasper. She walks over and quickly buried herself in his arms. Jasper breaths in her intoxicating scent before Carlisle calls everyone back inside with his urgent tone. Jasper takes Nova by hand and they head inside. They sit on the couch together. A bigger Rosalie walks in amd Novalee looks away.

"What's going on?" Emmett asks as he sits beside Novalee.

"Bella's pregnant, it's impossible but it's happening," Carlisle says. "The baby will kill her."

Emma's eyes widen. "Are they coming home?"

"Yes, Emma, they are," Carlisle says. "We cannot tell the pack about this."

"I haven't talked to the pack in weeks," Novalee says. "So, don't worry about me." 

"I won't," Rosalie says as June jumps around.

"Oh," Novalee gasps. "I hope the Volturi don't find out about this..."

"They won't," Carlisle assures her. "They won't."

Novalee sighs and she eyes Rosalie's belly. "Can I feel her?"

Rosalie nods and lowers the top flag of the overalls Jared for her. Nova places her hand where she sees a part of June sticking out. As soon as Nova touches that spot, June moves and kicks her hand, making Nova actually smile.

"She likes you," Rosalie points out. "She hates Paul."

"Cheryl didn't, either," Novalee says. "Carlisle, can i go see the pack?"

"Yeah," Carlisle replies. "Just..."

"Keep Bella's pregnancy silent, I know," Novalee says and she leaves.

Sam hears tired hitting the gravel, he's at home with Paul and Emily. He steps outside and he sees a familiar car, and smiles. No one has seen her since before the miscarriage. Sam runs over, literally runs, when Nova gets put of the car and hugs her.

Nova smiles to herself as Sam releases her, and takes a good look. He pulls her into another warm embrace,and more comfortable one.

"Where'd you go in such a hurry?" Emily asks but freezes when she sees Novalee. "Nova?" Emily tears up and she goes and she hugs Nova. "Oh god!"

Nova laughs and she hugs Emily. "Embry said you were pregnant. Congratulations."

"What's goin..." Paul shuts up quick when he sees Novalee. "You don't spite. You don't call."

Novalee smiles before she walks up, and hugs the hothead. Paul smiles and he wraps his arms around her as Embry pulls up with Jenna.

"Novalee," Jenna says urgently as she gets out of Embry's truck.

"Jenna!" Nova smiles as she walks over and hugs her, too. "You look pretty."

"Thank you," Jenna replies. "You look great, considering..."

"The Cullen's have been a great help with that," Novalee admits. "I have missed the pack."

"We've missed you too," Paul says. "God, I have to call Jared. He will flip his lid when he knows you're here,"

"Should I leave?" Nova asks. "Make him miss me?"

"Yes," Sam replies, smiling. "I hope to see you more. Don't go weeks without us. We can't do it, Novalee."

"I promise," nova says and she drives off as Paul listens to a yelling Jared, Paul just told him that he missed Novalee?


When Novalee gets home, she finds Edward's Volvo and Bella's new Mercedes. She sighs before going inside.

"You're not pregnant," Edward points out first thing, and Nova tenses and thinks of what happens - regrestfully. "Oh, god." Edward hugs her. "Sorry for bringing it up."

"What?" Bella asks. "What happened?"

"I had a miscarriage a few weeks ago," Nova replies. "The day after you guys left for your honeymoon."

Bella frowns. "I'm sorry."

Novalee nods and she goes goes upstairs. She makes herself a bowl of cereal and sits at the counter, memories of the miscarriage flooding back and she sighs. Jasper places a hand on her back as he buries his face into her neck, and inhales as he holds her.

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