Chapter 35

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After determining that the baby is now breaking Bella's ribs, Jacob  won't leave. Novalee doesn't have a problem with Jacob. None at all, so she isn't complaining. Jacob is sitting on the couch arm, Esme is sitting in a chair at Bella's head. Edward is kneeled behind the couch, Emmett is standing near the back window with Novalee while Rosalie sits in another chair near Esme, reading a baby book, feeling June moving around. 

"Rosalie, why don't you go get Jacob something from the kitchen?" Esme softest to her pregnant, human daughter, and Rosalie looks up at her.

"Thanks, but no thanks," Jacob replies. "I'd rather not eat something with blondie's spit in it."

"She would never embarrass me with such a lack of hospitality," Esme coos, and Jacob rolls his eyes.

"Of course not," Rosalie says as she walks away to the kitchen after putting the book down, waddling like a penguin. 

Jacob looks over at Edward. "You'd tell me if she poisoned it, right?" No one says a thing

A sleeping Bella suddenly grips her stomach as if she's in pain, Novalee watches her with concern, her and Jasper were busy last night, and this morning- he is going a mixed diet now, animal amd human.

"He broke another one of her ribs," Edward says, trying not to look at Bella in pain.

There are pots clattering in the kitchen and Jacob looks that way, before everyone looks at one another before Rosalie comes walking in, more like waddling. She places a metal bowl onto the ground at Jacob's feet.

"Enjoy it, mongrel," the human Rosalie says as she stands. She to
S walking away amd turns. "And don't make a big deal do it," she heard them as she was walking back in. "Even a human baby has been known to crack ribs."

Jacob takes a bite of the sandwich Rosalie made and throes the bowl at the back of Rosalie's head. Edward and Emmett laugh as Rosalie touches her hair, and she turns around.

"You got food in my hair," Rosalie says slowly, angry. 

"It's okay, Rose," Novalee says as she feels uneasy, sick even.

Jacob is outside with Leah, explains the reasons of imprinting to Leah. Novalee is sitting on her rock at the boarder in the woods, Jared is actually keeping her safe from and his gag order. Rosalie would kill him if she were to get hurt, Embry too.

Bella's due at anytime, and Novalee is scared go inside the house so she stays with Jared's wolf in the woods. Even when she hears the growling. Jared walks away, phases amd comes back.

"Bella had the baby," Jared says. "She didn't make it. They broke the treaty. The guys went to Billy's, to Sam."

Paul comes jogging over, and he leans against the rock - our of breath. "Jacob imprinted."

"On the baby?" Novalee asks, and Paul nods. "Bella's going to kill him..."

The wolves leave her and Edward finds her. Something moves inside of her and her eyes widen. Edward heads her thoughts.

"Is it Jasper's?" He asks, and she nods. "Go away somewhere, I won't tell him. Go."

Novalee catches a flight to Volterra, Italy without staying a word to anyone but Edward where she was going. Nova is going to Aro, and will ask to be out under his care while she carries this child and maybe by the time they learn of Renee, he will know the truth of a hybrid child.

Felix opens the doors as he smells human and he eyes Novalee, and he goes to the throne room.

"Come," Felix says as he returns. "The kings will see you now."

Novalee feels something move again and she gasps. Felix rushes back and catches her and he sees something like a foot move across Novalee's right stomacu. He looks worried now, and he gets her to the throne room.

"Novalee!" Aro says excitedly as he walks down, and he sees the movement and he hastily grabs Novalee's hands, and gasps. "No... it's impossible."

"I wish to be placed under your care, and protection," Novalee says as Caius and Marcus realize that Novalee is pregnant with a vampire' s baby. "And I wish for my child to be granted a chance."

"Felix, bring miss Morningstar to her room from the last time," Aro instructs. "We have a lot to discuss."

"Indeed we do," Caius replies as Felix leads Novalee out.

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