Chapter 23

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When Edward returns with Alice after dropping Bella off at home, the entire coven go up to Novalee's room. Nova walks over amd she grabs the safe Aro had given her.

"Aro gave that to you," Carlisle says as he sees the safe. "The Volturi crest is on it."

Novalee nods, before unlocking the small steal box. When opened, she reveals the two pouches containing immortality cures. Carlisle grabs one, Novalee Can feel his curiosity.

"Aro had me stay the night there while he and Felix amd amd got them," Novalee claims. "He only found the two, and I couldn't think of anyone more deserving that Rosalie. No offense, guys."

"None taken," Emmett replies. "I agree."

"I agree, too," Jasper says, so do Esme and Carlisle and Edward.

Novalee bites her lip as she hands the other cure to Rosalie as Carlisle hands her the one he was studying.

"Did Aro explain to how it works?" Carlisle asks.

"No, but that's because he doesn't know," Novalee replies. "He just found them, and thought I'd like them."

"Are you ready to be human again?" Rosalie asks the brunette.

"Are you ready?" Novalee asks as she carefully removes the lid from the pouch holding the blood.

"Oh yes," Rosalie says as she removes her top from the blood pouch.

"On the count of three," Emmett says as Emma walks in, she's excited for this too. "One..."

"Two..." Emma says.

Emmett smiles at her. "Three."

Both Rosalie and Nova down the cures and an intense feeling rushes through them before they black out. Carlisle watches them both. He knows Novalee and Emma wishes Embry could be here to watch, but the treaty. The only ones to pass freely are Emma and Novalee, but yet again, Emma's human.

"Wait," Jasper rushes out before the others can leave. "Listen..."

The other camprked close their eyes, and hear two faint heart bears. Two faint, rapid heartbeats as if they had just been rescued from drowning. Carlisle's eyes open and he smiles, the cures are working.

Esme is cooking away in the kitchen with Emma's help, they're joking around and smiling when a human Rosalie walks down. She was the first one to wake up. Rosalie touches her chest and feels her heartbeat, smiling widely.

"Rose, you're up," Esme coos. "And human."

Rosalie smiles. "I'm human again."

Esme walks over and hugs her. "I am so proud of you."

"Did my mom wake up yet?" Emma asks as she stirs the pasta sauce and meat into the noodles.

"Not yet, but I think she will soon," Rosalie replies. "That smells delicious. I feel like I could eat this entire house, along with a dozen or so cows."

"Hey, ba..." Emmett freezes at the intoxicating smell of her blood, and he tenses. "Oh, no."

"What?" Rosalie asks in a panic.

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