Fight - Nakahara Chuuya

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Nakahara Chuuya

I was a daughter of an aristocrat.

An aristocrat who have done many of such illegal things. Doing crimes and always getting away with it. He was no better than the Port Mafia; vicious, cruel, and powerful.

There were numerous times that I wanted to turn him in the police.

But he would kill me before I do. His own daughter.

I was no more than a slave for my father, using me and my ability to do the dirty work, to do the crimes he wanted to happen. My father wasn't an ability holder, but my mother was. She had undergone the things I have right now, which made her leave and go missing.

"Wh-Who are you?! H-how did you g-get in here?!" says the politician pointing out a gun on me.

I stared at him emotionless.

I said softly, "Sorry"

He flinched then was on fire with (F/C) flames and he screamed in agony and I pressed my hands together.

"May you rest in peace"

I walked towards the open window and jumping successfully from the fifth floor to a short building just near the building I was in. I jumped roof to roof and then jumped down on the ground of an alleyway.

It took a lot of practice to refrain hurting myself after jumping from a high platform. It was hell to begin with.

I removed my tie and my (H/C) hair flowed on my back. I wore the glasses my father had given me and walked away to the streets of Yokohama.

"Another job well done, I see"

My father sat on his office chair, tapping on his desk and I looked at him with no emotions. He chuckled and opened the drawer of his desk while throwing out a folder.

The next dirty work

"I have smuggled in illegal guns lots of times in this bizzare city," he stood up and walked towards the windows, "We need to deliver these tonight to an important client of mine who lives overseas"

"Your job is to guard the products before they'll be shipped out of the city"

Looking at the contents of the folder, it was a very easy task. But I knew there was something more to this.

"It's a very easy task... Why would you let me do this thing" I said and he grinned.

He clicked his tongue, "Apparently, we have uninvited visitors tonight and that's when you come in"


We've arrived at the port and I went out of the car father has sent me. I walked towards my father's men and they seem to noticed me and bowed at me.

I just snapped my finger, "Go do your work"

They did, they were very fast which made it a whole lot of easier when those unwanted guests arrive.

Everything was going well when the guards and some of my father's men screamed in agony and lied lifelessly on the crated ground.


"I was told to be having a good fight in here," a man who has a hat on top of his striking orange hair stepped out, "turns out it was just some crazed illegal smugglers"

One of the guards pointed out a gun on him and he smirked touching the gun with his finger and the guard floated and the guy jumped and kicked the guard hard and he hit the surface with broken bones and with blood oozing out of him.

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