Schedule - Dazai Osamu

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Dazai Osamu

I was lazing around, playing with my phone, twirling around the sheets, wrapping my self with the soft heavenly blanket. With plugged earphones and with simple chips on the side, I listened to one of the songs of a famous idol group, STARISH.

Humming to the song, Mirai Chizu, I put my phone in my right pocket and slipped into my (favorite animal) slippers, going to the kitchen.

Grabbing the bottle of milk, I settled on the couch, bored out of my mind.

Here's the thing, my good-for-nothing-suicidal-maniac of a boyfriend has work today and so I'm here, stuck in his apartment, alone. It seriously sucks, I mean— leaving your girlfriend on her own after asking her on a date? I mean, who would do that?

Dazai Osamu would, no surprise there.

"Stupid Dazai, stupid Osamu, stupid Bandaged Freak" I ranted glaring at nowhere in particular, thinking on how I should kill the damn guy.

Then suddenly my phone rang and I glared at the object after I pulled it out of my pocket. Without checking the caller ID, I answered and said in a grumpy voice, "Hello human, I have no time and so I would like you to state your intention on why you're calling me-"

"(Y/N), chill"

I heard Dazai's teasing voice on the other side of the call. My eyebrow rose up and I scoffed in disbelief, "Goodbye"

"Wait, honey-"

I ended the call with no second thoughts and turned it into silent mode, putting it on the coffee table in front of me.

Seriously though, I don't have any idea why am I still here when that ugly of a dumbass of a boyfriend is not here.

"Though I know he's damn handsome but that doesn't change the fact that he's a top ranked dumbass." I whispered to myself. I shook the thought and opened the TV and tried to distract myself with it.



I whined loudly on my seat and Kunikida's booming voice came to add my amusement.

"Dazai! Shut up and work! You're not supposed to use your phone until you finish that report I've been asking you for the past two days!" he said and snatched my phone.

I looked at him with a crying face, "But Kunikida-kun, (Y/N) won't talk to me." I pouted.

He pushed his glasses up and looked at me with his usual grouchy self, "I don't care and I don't even know why (L/N)-san is still with you in all seriousness".

"She loves me, duh."

"No one asked, dumbass."

"It's okay Kunikida-kun, I'm sure that love would come to you and make you happy, though with those standards I would say that there's no such girl that is alive with the perfect figure, the perfect face, the ideal woman-" Kunikida smacked me behind my head and he blushed and glared at me.

"Do your work, Dazai!"


It was about 6 in the evening when I heard footsteps coming in the apartment saying 'I'm home'. I woke up by the loud voice and saw Dazai at the corner of my eye and he smiled.

"Yo, (Y/N)"

I stood up and hit his head.

"Ow! Ow! Stop it! Please stop, have mercy, I thought you love meeeeeeee" Dazai shouted putting his hands on his head as I hit him many times.

"That's what you thought, idiot."

"But, (Y/N)-"

"Damn you, Dazai."

He sighed and hugged me, nuzzling his face on my neck. Feeling his soft breaths, my body felt at ease in his arms.

Dazai swayed me softly, "I'm sorry, (Y/N). Work is always there and Kunikida-kun didn't go easy on me today," he kissed my cheek, "sorry, honey."

I sighed and removed his hands on me. I could feel his confusion but I made no effort to clarify what was I doing. I turned to look at him, putting my hands on his face and stared at his eyes.

"Osamu, I love you but you got to work on your schedule of inviting me you know." I said and pinched his cheek.

He nodded, "I love you too, and yeah, sorry (Y/N)-chan."

We smiled at each other before leaning close and kissed.

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